# Dropbox check script If you are using [dropbox](http://www.dropbox.com) on linux, be aware that there are several reports of dropbox ["loosing"](http://konklone.com/post/dropbox-bug-can-permanently-lose-your-files) some of your files (the file still exists, but it has 0Kb size). The causes of this problem seem not very clear... Anyway, I made this little script that checks your dropbox folder if everything is okay: #!/bin/shif [ -z "$1" ]then find /home/yorik/Dropbox/* -size 0 -type felse if [ -n "$(find /home/yorik/Dropbox/* -size 0 -type f)" ] then notify-send -i important "Dropbox Warning" "0-byte files found" play /home/yorik/.sound/nuclear-alarm.wav fifi To use it, just put the above text in a new file, adjust the paths /home/yorik/ to yours, save it and make it executable. If you run it without options, it will prin a list of 0-byte files found in your dropbox folder. If you run it with any kind of argument (for example checkdropbox -n), it will show an alert on your desktop if any 0-byte file is found. I use it that way in a cron job that runs every hour, that I set by adding the following line in crontab (do crontab -e in a terminal): 0 * * * * env DISPLAY=:0 /home/yorik/bin/checkdropbox -n the "env DISPLAY=:0" is needed when you want to lauch graphical applications from crontab...