# Blender cross section script ported to 2.6x This was long, long overdue, but the cross section script I and a couple of others wrote for blender 2.49 has finally been ported to 2.6x, thanks to the efforts of [@Ejnaren](https://twitter.com/Ejnaren) who did most of the job. ![](../../images/2013/crosssection.jpg) The script works basically the same way as the 2.49 version, you select objects to cut, then (as the last object of the selection) a planar object (it must contain only one face) that defines your cut plane, and press the button. The controls - once the addon is installed - are in the tool shelf, and there is an option to fill closed paths with faces, like in the example above. The addon is currently available via the [blender project tracker](http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=34142&group_id=153&atid=467) or directly from [here](https://yorik.uncreated.net/archive/scripts/blender25/object_cross_section.py).