Hi yorik

Hi yorik I am amateur interested in the history and the immitation of citadels and old castles built in stone and brick And as I want models with details cornices, bow, pilaster, ceiling, etc. I try to write a macro for freecad For this I find a program written in python to blender: Add_mesh_masonry.py written by Paul Spooner Can you help me to make it compatible with freecad especially with the architecture workshop of freecad

Thank you in advance and here is the code:


add_mesh_masonry.py (c) 2007 - 'til now; Paul Spooner (Dudecon)

snipped (...) #

optimize for speed. Make it run faster?

Grout model... yeah.

consider removing wedge crit for small "c" and "cl" values

wrap around for openings on radial stonework?

auto-clip wall edge to SMALL for radial and domes.

unregister doesn't release all references.

repeat for opening doesn't distribute evenly when radialized - see

wrap around

note above.

if opening width == indent*2 the edge blocks fail (row of blocks

cross opening).

if openings overlap fills inverse with blocks.

Negative grout width creates a pair of phantom blocks, seperated by


width, inside the edges.

I was going to add an "inner/outer" toggle for steps and shelves

but user can just rotate 180

though you can't set shelf and steps on opposite sides of wall...