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home - services - guestblog last update: 26.09.2008
This place is a repository for realistic 3D vegetation made with
ngPlant and formatted for
Blender. All material contained here has been
created 100% by me, textures included, so you are free to download and
use the way you want. I also upload a good resolution png image of every
plant on blenderArchi, so you
might want to have look there too. For more information about the trees,
for example to know their size,
icon links to each tree's wikipedia description.
icon lets you download the rendered alpha texture from BlenderArchi. And
if you like them, or if you would like me to make a particular plant,
don't forget to tell me on the guestblog...
[Note]: I have more plants in ngPlant format here.
[How to use]
files on this page include all the models and textures needed to produce
a ready-to-use alpha texture. Open the file, render it, save it as a
.png file and you have your tree image ready to be mounted on a
billboard plane.
The .blend files also contain a .ngp ngPlant file (as a blender text
block) that can be used to produce variations of the plant. Simply save
the .ngp file, open it with ngPlant, change the seed parameter, and
export/import it to blender. Then, just copy the materials and trunk
modifiers from the original to the variation and render it...
And if you obtain a good result, variation, or a brand-new plant, do us a favor and upload a RGBA png image on blenderArchi, so we slowly create a good library... Thanks!
[How to create] I have created a tutorial here that will explain you how to create plants like these ones.
[How to contribute] Since I cannot spend all my time making trees, it grows quite slowly. Why not help me to grow it faster? There is now a wiki version of this page on blenderArchi, that is fully editable. The technique is easy to learn from the tutorial above. So hands on, help us to build a fully usable library!
The .blend files on this page are now hosted on the funet finnish universities network, thanks a lot to those guys!
[Arecaceae Palm Tree]
added on 17.07.2007
This is a very basic palm tree type, present in almost all tropical
zones in the world. It is the parent family of the standard coconut
tree. This one has no coconut, though. It can be found in forests as
well as on all the paradisiac beaches in the world, and can also be used
as an ornamental tree. Just be careful not to plant them on parking
lots, no need to explain why...
European Oak
added on 17.07.2007
This one is the standard european oak, since I'm not very sure about
american trees I don't know if it serves for north-american species
too, but if not it shouldn't be difficult to adapt. Mine is a bit
"haunted house" style because it is the way I like oaks, but you could
easily add some branches to make it more ball-shaped.
Epicea Pine
added on 19.07.2007
Since there are many, many different types of pine trees, it is quite
difficult to tell which one this is. I think it is quite close to the
famous belgian Epicea, which happens to be the typical christmas tree.
Nowadays pine trees have (been) spread in the whole world I think, but
such thick ones are mostly from cold northern countries.
added on 20.07.2007
Eucalyptus is very common here in Brazil, as in many places. It was
originally imported from Australia, and has unfortunately been
responsible for serious damage to several local ecosystems, being a very
easily spreadable and fast-growing tree. Neverthless, the harm is done,
and now it is part of the landscape. There are hundreds of varieties and
shapes, I chose a common one around here.
added on 25.07.2007
The dracena, or dracaena, is an African-born plant that is quite common
in Brazilian landscape design. It has many subspecies and is loaded with
esoteric significations. It has several powers in Candomblé, and its
name comes from "Dragon" because of its shape, and because you can
extract fom it a substance called "Dragon blood"...
Banana plant
added on 27.07.2007
This is a banana tree when it is young. It must be something like 1.5 to
2 meters high. Adult banana trees are quite common here in Brazil but
not so much in urbanized areas, but the young one can be used here and
there, since you can keep it small. If you cut it entirely at the end of
the year, it grows again the next year. One day maybe I add some bananas
to it!
added on 03.08.2007
This one was is found everywhere in Europe and in northern america. It
is a big reminder of my childhood. There is a nice purple variation
around south of Belgium and Luxembourg, For me it is the tree that best
symbolizes the small remains of lost medieval european forests. If there
is one near your place, have a special care for it...
added on 04.08.2007
Of the flamboyant, wikipedia says it comes from Madagascar, where it is
endangered. But here in Brazil it accomodated quite well, like almost
all tree species. It has a magnificent, fantastic, gorgeous orange / red
flower cover on top of it... And it really cheers me up when I see one.
added on 22.08.2007
This one was quite hard to make (and it is still far from perfect). My
mother loves roses, I've never totally understood why. Well, I needed
one in a project the other day so here it is... One has to have a rose
in his garden, isn't it?
White Ginger
added on 03.10.2007
This is an ornamental variety of the ginger plant, the one that gives
ginger, that thing that gives ginger beer . I'm not sure that white
gigner is the official name, though. It seems there are many, many
ginger varieties. As with many ornamental plants, it is now spread
across a good part of the world...
added on 29.10.2007
This is one is quite common here in Brazil. There are several varieties,
but the most famous is this one, the Jacaranda Mimosa, which has those
enormous violet flowering... And for a change, this is a native south
american tree, you fin it easily in the wild.
added on 13.03.2008
This is the tree from my treemaking
tutorial. It is an european tree commonly
found in old forests full of druids and magic creatures.
It can have a variety of shapes, colours, etc... The one I made here is a very basic one.
added on 21.09.2008
This tree is very famous in Africa, but is native in whole south
America. You can find it in all warm places in the world. It is a
decorative tree, much used in garden design. It is more a plant than a
tree, but can grow up to 10-12m.
[Taxus (If)]
added 26.09.2008
I am not totally sure this tree is exactly that one, but it is hard to
find yourself in the middle of all the pine tree species.
Anyway, in all countries you will find such cone-shaped pine trees, used
a lot for decorating your typical italian renaissance garden...
added 26.09.2008
This is a kind of palm tree from the Amazonia region. The fruit, the
Açai, is marvelous when eaten frozen. I think the tree is not much seen
or used outside Amazonia, but there are several similar species around
south america.
added 26.09.2008
It appears that it is actually not a palm at all, but it looks pretty
much like one. It can be very big, about 4 or 5 meters high and makes a
big bowl.
added 26.09.2008
I'm not sure this is its correct name either (there are many, many
types of palm trees), but I wanted simply a very old, high,
dinosaur-like palm tree.
[Benjamina Fig Tree]
added 02.05.2009
This is a small tree from the family of the ficus. Did you know that fig
trees and ficus are from the same family? I didn't...
added 02.05.2009
This is a tropical interior plant I use much in commercial areas. It is
actually a palm tree, of the same family as the araceae I made earlier.
It is widely spread in Brazil.
added 02.05.2009
This is a very well-known plant, found in the whole world. It ranges
from small decorative bush trees to giant equatorial fig trees. I made
this one for interior gardens, so it's a small one, most certainly it
won't give you any fig
added 02.05.2009
This one is another palm tree of the araceaw family, comes from Oceania
but commonly found in the rest of the world as interior decorative
plant. It doesn't grow very high, so it's perfect for interiors.
And if you want to see what is possible to obtain with these plants, I made a couple of images of it...