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Building luxrender on linux
I wrote this little article mostly because I had to reinstall Luxrender (mostly to try Luke's work), and this will serve me as a memo for another time. The info below comes mostly from the official instructions.
First, you must install the dependencies listed on the official page above. Here luckily I already had all of them. Then, the luxrender system comes in 2 parts, luxrender and luxrays. So it's best to create first a containing folder, then clone the 2 repositories:
mkdir Luxrender-sourcecd Luxrender-sourcehg clone clone clone
Then, prepare for out-of-source build for luxrays:
cd ..mkdir Luxrendercd Luxrendermkdir luxrayscd luxrayscmake ../../Luxrender-source/luxrays
Then, because of some bug between openCL 1.2 (which is the version I have here on debian wheezy) and 1.1 (which is used by lux), you must use the -DCL_USE_DEPRECATED_OPENCL_1_1_APIS option when compiling. The easiest way is to use cmake-gui:
cmake-gui .
Then add "-DCL_USE_DEPRECATED_OPENCL_1_1_APIS" to CXX_FLAGS and C_FLAGS. Press "Configure" then "Generate".
For me the luxrays library then compiles fine, but the benchmarks failed. But there is an option to compile the luxrays lib only:
make luxrays
If all went okay, let's do lux:
cd ..mkdir luxcd luxcmake ../../Luxrender-source/lux
It will complain that luxrays was not found. Then, start cmake-gui:
cmake-gui .
And change the value of LUXRAYS_LIBRARY to the path of your luxrays/lib/libluxrays.a file. Also add the same compiler option as in luxrays above. Press "Configure" then "Generate". Then, build:
make luxconsolemake luxrendermake pylux
Now, go back to the luxblend folder and link pylux there:
cd ../../Luxrender-source/luxblend25ln -s ../../Luxrender/lux/
Then link the luxblend folder and the presets into your blender scripts folder:
cd ~/.blender/2.6X/scripts/addonsln -s /path/to/Luxrender-source/luxblend25/src/luxrendercd ../presetsln -s /path/to/Luxrender-source/luxblend25/src/presets/luxrender
Then, all you need to do is open blender, activate the plugin, and set the path to /path/to/Luxrender/lux/ in the render options.