# Switching to blender 2.5 ![](../../images/2010/blender25.jpg) The new blender version 2.50 is now in sufficient good shape to be fully customized, and to me that was a very important point. So I swapped my main work version to the new one. Of course, since several functions are still not there (and specially almost all the python scripts), it's good to keep a 2.49 version around for a couple of months. I had a bit of trouble understanding how to change the default theme (You must go into the outliner, set it to display the user preferences, then navigate to the theme and replace the theme name "Blender" by another name, which will create a new - editable - theme. Other small thing was the middle mouse button that rotates the view instead of panning. Same thing here, you must export the default keymap, then change its name and reimport it, in order to create an editable keymap. Then, swap the view2d.pan and view3d.rotate values. I still cannot seem to export my new theme, but as soon as it works I'll post it around here...