# Paranapiacaba [Paranapiacaba](http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranapiacaba) is a small strange and beautiful old railway city near São Paulo, built to home english railway workers at the end of 19th century on a line linking the coffee-producing areas to the port of Santos. Today the line is still partially used but the wide complex Paranapiacaba was built around is disaffected, leaving the city cut in 2 by this surreal "rail valley"... ![](../../images/2010/pp1.jpg) ![](../../images/2010/pp2.jpg) ![](../../images/2010/pp3.jpg) ![](../../images/2010/pp4.jpg) ![](../../images/2010/pp5.jpg) ![](../../images/2010/pp6.jpg) ![](../../images/2010/pp7.jpg)