# Manaus ![](../../images/2011/manaus.png) See the whole album [here](https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150259091672033.371536.585117032&l=477c2677d7) A couple of tips if you are going to Manaus: - Eat the local fishes (pirarucu, tambaqui, tucunaré, matrinxã, jaraqui), tipically served with tucupi - Go see an opera in the Amazonas theatre - Eat xis caboclinho (bread with cheese, banana and tucumã) at breakfast - Enter the rainforest at the botanical garden - Go to the museu do Seringal by taking the river bus (a boat) from the David marina at Ponta Negra - Take a river bath. Other boats at the same marina will get you to all the beaches around Manaus - See the encontro das águas