# IfcOpenShell and FreeCAD to work with BRep solids With [Thomas Krijnen](http://twitter.com/#!/aothms), the guy behind [IfcOpenShell](http://ifcopenshell.org/), we've been playing with importing BRep files, the native OpenCasCade geometry format, from IfcOpenShell to FreeCAD. This gives truly spectacular results, FreeCAD being able to import a whole IFC file as Part solids, thus skipping the whole Mesh-to-Solid operation. ![](../../images/2012/freecad-ifc-shapes.jpg) This is of course just a very early step in making the imported IFC files into something usable "architecture-wise", but it is an important one. Part shapes are the true main building block in all FreeCAD, and being able to import data in its native format is of a considerable importance to maintain a good data integrity. I also think it is a significant step in the OCC-based ecosystem...