# Hmm I'm not very familiar with compiling stuff on windows unfortunately. I also don't know if you compile IfcOpenShell in... Commenting post [173](/?blog/2014-173): Hmm I'm not very familiar with compiling stuff on windows unfortunately. I also don't know if you compile IfcOpenShell in 32bits, if you can use its python module in a 64bits application. If it were a pure python module it would work but in this case, IfcOpenShell being a C++ python module, I'm not sure... If you open a python window (either in freecad or the one that comes when you install python on windows), try typing "help()" then "modules". This should list all your installed python modules, ifcopenshell should be there. If not, all I can say from here is that it wasn't correctly installed. One "workaround" you could try, is, instead of installing IfcOpenShell system-wide, is to copy your .py + .so files to a place where freecad can find them, that is, one of the folder of the list you get by typing the following lines in FreeCAD's python window: import sysprint sys.path