# Hehe I thought someone would ask... We linux users cannot resist desktop screenshots. Commenting post [376](/?blog/2017-376): Hehe I thought someone would ask... We linux users cannot resist desktop screenshots. The desktop is fluxbox (yeah I'm old-school but I really like it), with a [theme I did](http://yorik.uncreated.net/guestblog.php?2014=53) and modified a bit afterwards to match the gtk theme base color, the gtk theme is [elementary dark](http://satya164.deviantart.com/art/elementary-Dark-GTK3-Theme-244257862), the icon theme is [Surfn Numix](https://github.com/erikdubois/Surfn), the background I don't remember, and the geany theme is made by hand, just editing the [filetypes.common](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ciqat6xzrpo2n2z/filetypes.common?dl=0) file.