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last update: 20.02.2009

Project: Test
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As floats will need to come first in order to remain in-line with each other. You might be happier not setting a width on middle at all because as you wade into the wondrous world of floats you will run into many many bugs, mostly with IE. Basically if you try anything less simple than what you've got you'll notice it doesn't count very well. I call this. There are some stickies around here and I think even a few tutorials. Coming from tables you are entering a different world, and there are quite a few things you'll need to know about, otherwise you'll just lose a lot of hair from frustration : ) Keep your hair. The first basic bugs or problems you run into will have been answered a bazillion times on this and many other forums. Sometimes you'll search for a solution to a problem whose name you don't know-- so looking for info on a problem after you run into it on a page you're building might be hard. So I suggest you go ahead and read stickies and tutorials discussing stuff you aren't quite getting into yet, so that you know what the bugs/problems are called beforehand. Free tip: while in tables you needed a td for everything, don't fall into the trap of wrapping a div around everything. It's called and doesn't really give you any of the div-based layouts are supposed to give you. Might as well stick with tables then. Using as few tags as possible is what's awesome about non-table layouts. Also, for examples of what you're building, it's called "3 column layout css" in teh Googles. Many people have found they don't want to have their side columns come first in the code just to get the floats working. There are ways around this but learning them well takes a bit of time (and don't believe every site that says you MUST always set the content (middle in your case) first-- that's baloney. It depends on what's in those columns).
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