This is the archive of works I did in 2015. Click here to get back to current year.

in categories  works  detail  permalink:  137   posted on 01.10.2015 21:50
From Yorik
More construction drawings for a low-income residential project

in categories  works  3d  blender  permalink:  136   posted on 01.10.2015 21:48
From Yorik
3D image we did for an industrial project...

in categories  works  detail  permalink:  135   posted on 01.10.2015 21:47
From Yorik
More construction documents for low-income projects in Brazil. Again, not much to be done in terms of architectural quality, but we always try nevertheless to deliver the best documents as we can, not simply in terms of graphical quality, but to provide solid and reliable material.

in categories  works  sketches  animations  permalink:  134   posted on 01.10.2015 21:43
From Yorik

RankDone animations

Two hand-drawn animations we did for rankdone. All made with Pencil2D.

in categories  works  permalink:  133   posted on 01.10.2015 21:38
From Yorik
Design work for our friends at rankdone. We've done the logo, marketing material, style guides, printed material, and icons...

in categories  works  3d  blender  permalink:  132   posted on 01.10.2015 21:31
From Yorik
3D images for an expo center project...

For who is interested in the details, the vegetation on the terrain itself is placed manually, tree by tree, the vegetation around the terrain is made with particles, and the buildings are made by isolating a couple of colors from the base map, vectorizing them in inkscape, and importing them as curves in blender.

in categories  works  permalink:  131   posted on 01.10.2015 21:29
From Yorik
A new logo for a friend!

in categories  works  3d  blender  permalink:  130   posted on 01.10.2015 21:26
From Yorik
A quick setup of an alternative version for an older project of last year. We tried to give it that 60's airline feel...

in categories  works  detail  permalink:  129   posted on 01.10.2015 21:23
From Yorik
More construction documents for a low-income residential project. Obviously not much to be done in such projects in term of architecture, but we try at least to put as much quality as we can in the drawings...

in categories  works  detail  permalink:  128   posted on 01.10.2015 21:21
From Yorik
Posting a couple of works we've been doing this year...

This is part of a larger job we've been doing for one of the major projects being built now in Brazil. Unfortunately our job was not very glorious since it consisted mainly in detailing the restrooms, but it's pretty interesting to see how these huge international projects work internally...

in categories  architecture  projects  blender  works  permalink:  120   posted on 22.09.2015 23:20
From Yorik

Pirituba services center

This is a project we did for a small services center in São Paulo. The ground floor hosts three big stores, with different ceiling heights depending on their position on the site and their entrance level, and two upper floors of offices space, with open plan, dividable according to future necessities.

This project is based on several concepts that are precious to us, that all aim at reinforcing the interdependence between the different systems, like between the people of the city and the project, or between the users of the project and the vegetation.

The project is intentionally simple in its form and functioning. A simple concrete structure, without finishing, supports two slabs. On these two slabs, light metallic boxes host the offices, with open spaces left between them, that become terraces. Everything is protected from the sun by green roofs and curtains.

A fundamental point of the project is that it enlarges the public space. Instead of showing a simple facade along the sidewalk, it brings people inside the terrain, and creates a series of small additional differentiated spaces, that bet on diversity instead of area, like a parklet.

The central space, although occupied by parking, offers other interesting features: Its size and the fact that it is in direct contact with the ground allows to plant large trees, that protect the whole public space beneath from
sun and rain, and bring to the offices the marvellous quality of being "inside the trees".

The setbacks at the sides and bottom of the terrain are obviously left free and planted, which, we think, is the true meaning of these setbacks, to permit natural ecosystems to connect with each other and flow around buildings.

The vertical circulation, between the parking level, the ground floor and the office levels, is open, and made with industrial equipment (stairs, bridges and elevator), that can be fully mounted in factory and installed on site in one effort.

The whole project is more designed to be a system, configurable and reprogrammable, than a finished, static and immutable building.

Chech the blend file here

in categories  architecture  projects  works  permalink:  114   posted on 14.09.2015 23:34
From Yorik

Mixed use, Itu, Brazil

This project gathers in a same site three different uses: a residential building, a hotel, and a convention center.

The client being a real-estate investor, it was required, as usual in that context, to build as much as possible, in other words, to use the maximal construction area permitted by law. This produces a project with a lot of construction.

This high density becomes even more problematic with the approximation of very different and somewhat incompatible functions.

We choose to articulate these three uses around a strong, complex and catalyst public space: A succession of squares and ramps, that travel the distance and the difference of height between inferior corner (the main access) of the terrain and the higher level, where the project connects to the shopping center on the neighbouring terrain.

This way, the whole project does not bet anymore on a low density character, that would be expected for this scarcely built part of the city, but assumes a frank, higher-density urban character. The proximity of functions that seem at first sight discording, like a residencial building and a convention center, ends up giving additional qualities to the whole project, like an urban center.

The project recreates, therefore, some of the conditions that make people look for housing in animated urban centers, to benefit from the cultural, commercial and leisure options around.

To reach that objective, the projects bets mainly on its central public space. It serves as a glue between the different parts of the compound, permits the installation of commerce, restaurants, bars or coffee shops in the inferior levels of the hotel and the convention centre, and also directly on the public squares, all accessible to everybody. It also fosters interactions between the different functions, parts of the hotel can be used by the convention center and vice-versa.

Inspired by Amanda Burden (head of urban development of New York under Bloomberg), the project also tries to create, within this connection, a public space that people want to use: with a lot of vegetation, somewhere to sit and something to do...

Although the high density of the project and the subterranean parking do not permit very tall trees in the central part of the terrain, we tried to use as much as possible the variation of levels, building heights, voids, volumes, openings present in the project to achieve similar qualities: Many different places and spots, with different lighting and sun exposure, different
views, different uses, different orientations, to recreate the conditions of a complex and variate life.

Finally, this central space creates a new pedestrian connection between the shopping mall next and the lower side of the site, increasing the flow of people not only to the mall, but to the site itself. Both flows enhance each other, bringing life to the whole area, ensuring safety and recreation for the residential building, and consumers and general public for
the hotel, convention center and shopping mall.

This shared connection serves as common access to all the buildings, even though each of them has separate entrances, located on the ground level and on the underground parking.

blend Download blend file here

in categories  architecture  3d  blender  works  permalink:  26   posted on 16.02.2015 22:35
From Yorik

Old projects, new images

We use to make 3D images of old projects of some of our clients, to give their websites a bit of a refresh, and we don't do it for ourselves? No sir, no more! Here is a bit of revamp on two oldies but goodies of our projects, Casa GL and the PACE ONG.

Casa GL:


And the plans, that I think I actually never published here... Justice be done: