2016 archive

This is the 2016 archive of my blog.

permalink:  313   posted on 01.01.2017 11:21
From Peter
Beste Yorik,

Bedankt om tutorials en overzichten voor FreeCAD online te zetten. Ik installeerde FreeCAD 2 dagen geleden en ben vast besloten om mijn huis er mee te tekenen (startend van de papieren plannen). Ik kan dan makkelijk verder voor het plannen van het inrichten van de zolder.

Gezien je een berichtje in het Nederlands wou, bij deze. Mijn beste wensen voor 2017.



permalink:  312   posted on 24.12.2016 1:34
From Renato Rebelo
Olá yorik, mais um trabalho espetacular e desta vez com caráter "social". Fico espantado com o que conseguem fazer por aí com o equivalente a 15.851,70€.
Parabéns e continuação de bom trabalho.

in categories  works  3d  architecture  projects  permalink:  311   posted on 21.12.2016 16:25
From Yorik

Casa Min-Max

Esta casa custa R$ 55 000. Completa, com tudo.

This house costs BRL 55 000. Complete, with everything.

Como chegamos ate aqui?

Sempre nos incomodou o conceito de habitação "social". Como se habitação pura fosse outra coisa, como se a habitação "social" fosse uma exceção e não a regra (falamos em Brasil). Mas o que os livros chamam de habitação social é onde vive a maioria das pessoas. Então por que dar um nome especial ao que é o corriqueiro? Pois bem, daqui em diante trataremos apenas de habitação. Como deve ser. Digna e para todos.

How did we get here?

The concept of "social housing" always disturbed us. As if "pure" housing was something else, as if social housing was an exception to the rule (we are mainly talking about Brazil here). But what books call social housing is actually where most of the people live. Why give a special name to something that is common? From now on, we will only talk about housing. As it should be. Dignified and for anybody.

Este é uma reflexão nossa sobre o conceito de casa incremental, usado pelo arquiteto chileno Alejandro Aravena, que pode ser resumido assim: “Com um orçamento pela metade, em vez de fazer uma casa meio boa meio ruim, vamos fazer uma meia-casa boa, onde o morador possa completar a outra metade depois”.

Essa é a nossa jornada. Enquanto arquitetos e enquanto moradores. Enquanto pessoas que desejam uma cidade com oportunidades mais igualitárias para todos. Esse projeto foi feito para ser uma experiência real. Não apenas um projeto, mas como ele se comporta no dia a dia. O mais importante para isso é saber: quanto custa para fazer o que queremos e precisamos?

Qual o máximo que podemos fazer com um mínimo de custo? Quais seriam as soluções mais adaptadas aos financiamentos existentes? Encontrar o equilíbrio. Iniciar pelo orçamento.

This is a reflection about the incremental housing concept, used by Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena, that can be explained like this: "With half a budget, instead of doing a house that is half-good, half-bad, let's do half a good house, where the owner can do the other half later".

This is our journey. As architects and as dwellers. As people who want a city with more equal opportunities for eveybody. This project was thought to be a real experience. Not only as a project, but how it behaves day after day. The most important question for this to become real is: How much does it cost to do it the way we want?

What is the maximum we can do with a minimal cost? What are the solutions most adapted to existing financing options? Find the equilibrium. Begin from the budget.

Casa max-min

Nossa busca foi por uma solução urbana, pratica e de qualidade, que pudesse ser executada facilmente e que permitisse reduzir os custos iniciais para facilitar o financiamento. Partimos de duas ideias inspiradas pelo Aravena para montar o nosso projeto de meia casa "boa" e economizar custos:

  1. A casa pode ser aumentada
  2. Parte do acabamento é feita posteriormente

Esse projeto é um projeto piloto. Ele foi desenvolvido para ser o ponto de partida para outras ideias, ser adaptado caso a caso, terreno a terreno, família a família. É uma casa pensada para cidades, onde o terreno é caro.

Decidimos por utilizar um terreno de 70 m², que é pequeno, mas é um tamanho bem comum nos bairros mais periféricos de São Paulo e nas áreas que eram favelas antigamente. Podemos utilizar posteriormente terrenos maiores ou menores, mas construir em um terreno menor permite, em ultimo caso, um maior investimento no mesmo. Isso significa poder utilizar um terreno mais valorizado, com mais acesso aos equipamentos e facilidades urbanas. É importante lembrar que morar bem é feito 50% pela casa propriamente dita e 50% do local onde se mora.

Essa casa não é uma casa de interesse social, é uma casa para todos aqueles que estejam interessados em construir com qualidade economizando muito e estejam dispostos a fazer algumas concessões.

Ela tem, a princípio, 50m². Consideramos 50m² um bom custo-benefício, o que é muito relativo: para alguns pode ser pouco, mas muitas habitações são muito menores. O PMCMV (Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida) tinha como mínimo 41 m², mas muitos empreendimentos no centro da cidade de São Paulo possuem muito menos, mesmo os idealizados para pessoas de alta renda (na região central, uma construtora conhecida está, neste momento, vendendo apartamentos de 18m²).

Max-min house

Our search is for a urban, practical and quality solution, that can be easily executed and that allow to reduce the initial costs to facilitate the financing. We started from two ideas inspired by Aravena to build our "half a good house" project and reduce costs:

  1. The house can be expanded
  2. Part of the finishing can be done later

This is a pilot project. It is developed to be the starting point for other ideas, be adapted case by case, terrain by terrain, family by family. It is a house designed for cities, where the price of the land is high.

We started using a 70 m² terrain, which is small, but a very common size in peripheral neighbourhoods of São Paulo and areas that were favelas (slums) before. It is of course possible to use bigger terrains (or smaller), but using a small terrain gives a better investment. This means that it is possible to use a better terrain, more expensive, but localised closer to urban equipment and facilities like schools, shops, jobs, etc. It is important to keep in mind that "a good house" depends half on the house itself, half on where this house is situated.

This house is not social housing, it is a house for anybody interested in building something with quality, for a cheap price, and ready to make some concessions.

It has, in principle, 50 m². We consider 50 m² as a good quality-cost balance, which is of course very relative: For some it can feel small, but many housing units are much smaller. The PMCMV (Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida) program specified a minimum of 41 m², but many housing units in the centre of São Paulo have much less, even when targeting people with high income (in the central region, a known real-estate company is currently selling 18 m² units).

Um dos quartos pode abrir diretamente para o espaço exterior da frente, o que permite usar ele para trabalho (escritório, consultório, oficina, etc). A possibilidade de trabalhar em casa ajuda a reunir trabalho e moradia, que em cidades grandes ficam muito distantes um do outro, além de ampliar as opções de vida dos moradores.

O projeto inclui fundações já calculadas para que no futuro possua um andar superior, o que pode aumentá-lo para até 100m². Para isso, a laje já é recortada para a escada. A cobertura é desmontável e pode ser reaproveitada em cima do andar superior quando o mesmo for construído.

One of the rooms can open directly to the front yard, which allows to use it to work (as an office, consultancy cabinet, workshop, etc). This also helps to reunite working and living, which is big cities have become very distant one to the other. This also helps to give more life options to people living in the house.

The project has foundations already dimensioned to bear a future upper floor, which can raise the floor area up to 100m². The above slab is also already cut to allow the placing of a staircase. The roof is removable and can be reused above the upper floor when it gets built.

A cobertura também é descolada da laje, com ampla ventilação, para não transmitir o calor, melhorando o isolamento térmico.

The roof is also separated from the slab, with good ventilation, to not transmit the heat, which is the best possible thermal insulation.

Começamos o projeto dessa casa pelo orçamento, o qual pretendemos que esteja em constante evolução. Ela custa, em sua versão mínima porem completamente habitável, menos de R$ 55 000. Em conjunto com os arquivos de desenho do projeto, estamos disponibilizando um arquivo com a tabela do orçamento. Usamos como fonte o SINAPI, os preços da PMSP, do FDE-SP e outras fontes publicas, discriminadas a cada item. Todos esses campos podem ser trocados, permitindo que cada um pegue essa listagem em sua cidade e consiga saber quanto que uma casa como essa poderia custar. Para chegarmos a esse preço, usamos os preços mais altos que encontramos, o que significa que provavelmente ela custara menos que isso, mas queríamos evitar surpresas desagradáveis.

Com R$ 55 000, ela tem tudo que normalmente é entregue em uma casa nova: Infraestrutura, encanamento, equipamentos, instalação elétrica boa, etc. Tem muitas janelas, pois o aumento de custo é pouco. Assim, apesar do terreno pequeno, a luz é captada por todo lugar, por onde for possível. Também toda a parte mais cara para a construção do segundo andar já esta incluída: as fundações, as lajes e o local da escada.

Como falamos anteriormente, para economizar, nessa versão deixamos algumas partes para serem feitas posteriormente. As paredes em geral não possuem acabamento. Apenas na cozinha, área de serviço e banheiro foi previsto acabamento cerâmico. Isso economiza mais de R$ 5000. O acabamento pode ser feito depois, mas também pode ser deixado assim. Foi pensado para funcionar muito bem sem qualquer acabamento.

We began the project with the budget scheduling, which should stay in constant evolution. The house costs, in its minimal but fully habitable version, less than 55 000 BRL. Together with the design files, we are providing the full budget estimation spreadsheet. We used several public sources like SINAPI, and prices from PMSP and FDE-SP, which are indicated in the spreadsheet. All these prices can be revised and changed, allowing anyone to adapt the prices to what is available in his/her city and know precisely how much it will cost. In this estimation, we also used systematically the highest prices available, to avoid bad surprises later. So this house might cost less than that.

With 55 000 BRL, it has everything that is commonly included in a new house: Infrastructure, piping, equipment, good electrical installation, etc. There are large windows, which don't raise the price much. Therefore, even on a small terrain, light can enter everywhere, wherever possible. All the more expensive part of the possible upper floor is already included: Foundations, slabs, and the place for the stairs.

As we wrote earlier, to save money, in this version, some parts are left to be done later. Most of the walls don't have finishing. Only the kitchen, service area and bathroom have ceramics on the walls. This saves more than 5 000 BRL. Finishing can be dome later, but it can also be left as is. The project is thought to work without the need for any finishing.

Uma outra grande economia possível, em vez de construir uma casa só, é construir mais de uma, e dessa maneira, compartilhar uma das paredes laterais com um vizinho.

Ela pode ser construída com blocos de concreto ou cerâmicos. O preço é quase o mesmo e as propriedades, similares. O bloco cerâmico respira melhor, o que melhora a atmosfera dentro da casa. Existem também outras possibilidades que ainda não exploramos, como o tijolo de solo-cimento.

O valor da casa sem economia nenhuma é R$ 67 000. Mas também é possível diminuir o preço bem abaixo de R$ 55 000, por exemplo fazendo algumas partes si mesmo, economizando mão de obra. Não é nenhuma tarefa impossível, existem muitas maneiras de aprender.

Caso seja construída com construtora, o valor ficara bem mais alto por causa dos custos indiretos da construtora, como transporte, funcionários, mestre de obra, etc, e que incluem também o lucro da empresa. Essas despesas indiretas hoje em dia podem chegar em torno de 30% do valor da obra.

Esse projeto é totalmente open source. Todos os arquivos podem ser baixados, usados e modificados por quem quiser. Mas também permite que outras pessoas tragam ideias e que o projeto melhore. Sinta-se a vontade para agregar e discutir.

Another possible big saving is, instead of building a single house, to build more than one next to each other, so one of the side walls can be shared with a neighbour.

It could be built with concrete blocks or ceramic masonry. The price is almost the same and the properties are similar. The ceramic masonry breathes better, which betters the atmosphere inside the house. There are more possibilities we didn't explore yet, such as cement-earth blocks.

The price of the house without any of these savings is 67 000 BRL. But it is also possible to lower the price well below 55 000 BRL, for example by self-building some parts, which saves labour costs. This is by no means an impossible task, many ways to learn exist.

If this is house is given to a construction company to build, the cost will be much higher, because of the indirect costs of the company like transport, employees, etc and the profit of the company itself. These indirect costs can today add around 30% to the building costs.

This project is fully open source. All the project files can be downloaded, used and modified by anyone. But it also allows other people to bring ideas and make the project better. Feel at home to join and discuss.

in categories  freecad  opensource  talks  permalink:  309   posted on 20.12.2016 19:39
From Yorik
The talk about FreeCAD & BIM I gave at LGM in London this year

permalink:  308   posted on 13.12.2016 12:23
From Yorik
Commenting post 307: Hi Danilo,
Very interesting.. Of course we need to get out of pure 2D calculation software. I knew frame3dd, but not the 2 others. I'll go look at them.
Basically what stops me most here, is that I can't use any of these softwares, and I know nobody who knows them well. If you are interested, it would be nice to start a discussion around these on the FreeCAD forum!

permalink:  307   posted on 12.12.2016 22:55
From Danilo
Commenting post 297: Ciao Yorick this is the first time that I participate to your blog but I've followed it since a long time. I'm really interested in Freecad development, but unfortunately I'm not a developer and absolutely inexpert as a programmer; I'm writing just for a suggestion: for the structure tool, you have proposed Pybar and Ftool, two masterpieces of 2d structural softwares but there are also other 3d opportunities: above all, Frame3dd (frame3dd.sourceforge.net/) and Mastan2 (www.mastan2.com/download.html) are really powerfull 3d softwares; there is a plugin that has already joined Sketchup with Frame3dd; Mastan2 is almost fantastic but requires Matlab libraries; they are available for windows and, only the former, for linux.
In addition there is another software that I want to suggest; it’s called Bramantesap (sourceforge.net/projects/bramante/), available for windows and linux and with a lot of features: beams and shells, static linear and non linear analisys, dinamic analisys, perhaps the most complete of available free structural softwares. I have to confess that I well know Mastan2, instead of Frame3dd and Bramantesap. Anyway Bramantesap looks good and if is possible to link it whith freecad, it’ll be a possible little turning point. Thanks.

permalink:  306   posted on 09.12.2016 22:15
From Yorik
Commenting post 305: Hallo Huub,

Is dat wikihouse? Ik ben eigenlijk bezig met nieuwe werktuigen te maken die precies om wikihouses in FreeCAD doen zijn ( een paar screenshots op https://twitter.com/yorikvanhavre ). Ik ga ook een soort tutorial maken om de hele workflow te tonen. Werken vanuit de sketchup bestanden is inderdaad moeilijk, maar die zijn ook een goede basis, wat ik gedaan heb is die meshes van sketchup in blender te zuiveren, zodat je enkel met een zijd van elke stuk blijft, dan is het gemakkelijk door OBJ in FreeCAD te importeren, en shapes ervan te maken (of boven hertekenen met Draft).

Om de DXF bestanden te installeren, kijk op

Maar de bogen in SK die polylines worden in DXF is eigenlijk niet een probleem... de CNC machines gewoon kunnen niet bogen doen, en ze ook doen een aantal kleine lijntjes... Misschien is er een setting in SK om de resolutie van dat output te kunnen controleren?

Maar ook binnenkort gaan we nieuwe werktuigen te hebben om in FreeCAD beter te kunnen spelen.

permalink:  305   posted on 09.12.2016 20:17
From Huub Verhagen
Hi Yorik,
I take your invitation to write you in Dutch !
I ben bezig om een eenvoudige 3D DXF tekening maken zodat ik een buis kan laten lasersnijden.
Helaas lukt het me niet om een sketchup bestand goed te exporteren als DXF (in plaats van een cilinder krijg ik een veelheid van rechthoekige vlakken).
Nu probeer ik met FreeCAD 0.16 onder Mac OS 10.11 ; maar het lukt me niet om een 3D model te exporteren omdat de dxf-libraries niet automatisch geïnstalleerd zijn. En ik weet niet precies waar ik de betreffende bestanden moet neerzetten om mijn apple machine.
Zou jij me hiermee kunnen helpen ? Of een suggestie hebben om van sketch-up naar DXF bestanden te gaan waarbij ik leesbare bestanden krijg voor autoCAD ?
Dank alvast, vriendelijke groet, Huub.

permalink:  303   posted on 30.11.2016 1:25
From Yorik
Commenting post 302: Hi,
I'm afraid we don't have such analysis of the code... I wouldn't even know where to start Your best path I believe, would be to enter the forum and start a discussion with people there, see if some developers and long-term users might have some perspective on the question. For the code itself, I'm afraid you'll be mostly on your own...

If you would describe a bit more what kind of "issues" you are looking for, we might be able to help better. In any case, you'll get far better replies onthe forum than here, since many others are much more skilled programmers than me.

permalink:  302   posted on 29.11.2016 23:01
From Jiban
Hello Yorik,
I am a grad student and I have been assigned a project to analyze the security system of FreeCAD as part of my Advanced Computer Security class. Currently I am going the through the source codes, bug fixes and releases. But I did not find any security related issues or announcements explicitly. Yes there are some exploitable issues and bugs I have found in the discussions. But could you provide me any reading where codes are dissected in a more 'security' perspective view? Thanks.

permalink:  301   posted on 28.11.2016 9:05
From Rafael
Commenting post 297: Thanks for this update.

permalink:  299   posted on 28.11.2016 2:16
From Hani
Commenting post 97: A roadmap

permalink:  298   posted on 26.11.2016 20:48
From Danílson Gomes
Commenting post 297: Estou a gastar muito dos novos recursos no freeCAD. Eu queria usar esta versão, mesmo que ainda não seja estável. Como posso instalar e ter acesso aos novos recursos?

in categories  freecad  opensource  permalink:  297   posted on 26.11.2016 17:45
From Yorik

FreeCAD Arch development news

There is quite some time I don't write about Arch development, so here goes a little overview of what's been going on during the last weeks. As always, I'll be describing mostly what I've been doing myself, but many other people are very actively working on FreeCAD too, much more is going on. The best way to keep updated is to keep an eye on the Features Announcements section of the FreeCAD forum. Here is what's been going on on my side since my last post in mid october:


The Schedule tool has been completely rewritten. This is something I wanted to do since a long time, but it takes that time to figure out what to do and how to do it. The schedule tool is now basically an "extractor". You fill a table with a series of lines, each line will be a query to be executed on the model, and the data obtained from the query placed in a line of a resulting spreadsheet. You can for example count objects of a certain type, or measure lengths, areas, or extract values of properties. Everything is explained in the docs above.

When your resulting spreadsheet is ready, you can for example export it as a .csv file, and link that csv file into a spreadsheet application like LibreOffice. You obtain then a "source" sheet from where you can link quantities to a main spreadsheet. Whenever you export the .csv file again, the spreadsheet gets updated automatically.

So basically I gave up (for now) trying to build a full, final document directly in FreeCAD. You really need a much more flexible and powerful spreadsheet application than we have in FreeCAD. Rather, the schedule tool now concentrates on doing its task well and easily: gather quantities from the model. What you do with these quantities, it's now very easy to do outside FreeCAD.

Of course there is a lot of space for improvements, for example we'll at some point need to categorize and sort the data (imagine for example, gathering all the windows and group them by their size and type), but the tool should now be flexible enough to do that.

Structural nodes

The Structure tool already had structural nodes since a long time. It is basically a property that holds a series of 3D points. These points could define a line or a polyline. This is used to represent the axis, or median fiber of a structural element. The nodes are recalculated automatically when the shape changes, but you can also set them manually. The line or polyline can then be shown or hidden.

This is a first (but important) step on the road to export FreeCAD models as analytic models. You need to be able to represent your whole structure as a big wireframe.

There were some utility tools missing, which have now been added. For example, Slabs can have their nodes represent not a polyline but a surface. And there are now tools to join and trim nodes from different structural elements so you can now achieve pretty clean wireframe models from your Arch structures, with just a few clicks.

Next steps will be to try to export this to software able to do something with such models. So far, on the open-source side I only know 2D analysis apps like PyBar and FTool. There are a couple of older 3D ones on sourceforge but I haven't met anyone who usses them. Another possible output is of course the IFC Structural Analysis MVD.


The Panel tool also received upgrades. It is now possible to make wavy or corrugated panels, typically used for roofs. Users on the forum suggested we also add a way to build sandwich panels, typically formed by two metallic skins, and a layer of insulation material inbetween. This kind of panel is already possible to do, by making several panel objects from the same profile, and giving them different offset and thickness values. However, these sandwich panels often have a different profile for the top and bottom metal sheets. So the middle layer doesn't have a uniform thickness. There are also corrugated profiles that are more complex, with different wave heights or "peaks". So the whole panel tool must yet be extended to support these cases. So far I had no good idea on how to do that efficiently, but that's on our TODO list.


The TechDraw workbench, for who doesn't know it yet, is the successor of Drawing. It has more or less the same functionality as Drawing has, plus most of the stuff of the Drawing Dimensioning addon, and more advanced features such as the ability to move views graphically on the page. So far the special Draft and Arch tools that could display Draft objects and Arch Section plane contents were not available in TechDraw. This is now solved, and TechDraw can be used fully to produce 2D drawings of your models.


Another side thing I've been working on is the code documentation. Apart from our wiki documentation, which is hand-written by community members, and is mostly for FreeCAD users, there is also a documentation made specifically for people interested in programming, which describes in detail how FreeCAD is programmed, and which classes, functions and tools are available to you as a programmer (both C++ and Python). This documentation is not fully hand-written, but extracted automatically from the FreeCAD source code, by a tool called doxygen. Doxygen "reads" the code, and builds a map of the source code and all its different modules, classes, functions, etc. It also reads code comments, which are pieces of texts that developers place in their code, to help people who read that code to understand what does what. Good code always has a lot of those comments. Doxygen also reads these comments and includes them into the documentation.

So far, the whole FreeCAD code documentation extracted by Doxygen weighted more than 2Gb, which makes it too heavy to place on the FreeCAD web server. The default "theme" used by Doxygen is also rather ugly.

I'm now working on producing a thinner version of that documentation, that could fit on the server, and a better them that makes it blend into the rest of our web environment.

Good code documentation that is clean and pleasurable to read is very important to help new people interested in programming for FreeCAD, so it's worth spending a bit of time on it.

Sun diagram

The Arch Site has also received a new feature: By filling a couple of properties such as Latitude and Longitude, it can now display a solar diagram. That diagram can be scaled, oriented and centered on a specific point in the model, and of course turned on/off. So far it is just visual, you cannot do anything else with it than just looking at it. But in the future much more could be done with it. A first step I'll try to reach is enabling shadow studies.

Coin3D, the library that is used to manage the FreeCAD 3D view, is able to display shadows. So far I'm meeting some technical difficulties to make this handily and gracefully switchable on/off, but no doubt sooner or later we'll have a solution at hand.

permalink:  296   posted on 26.11.2016 8:00
From Boumerzoug
Commenting post 170: thank's man one of the best article in the world ^^

permalink:  295   posted on 20.11.2016 11:16
From louis
Povray rendering with ngPlant... on Mac.

It works almost ... After giving the name of export's file, choose "yes" for "Keep .POV file after rendre". File is created without extension so just add ".pov" to the file name. Double-clic on it. On PovRAY, just render the scene as usual.

Thanks for this plgin

in categories  freecad  permalink:  294   posted on 18.11.2016 19:50
From Yorik
More plumbing in FreeCAD... This is how it gets rendered in TechDraw

in categories  freecad  permalink:  293   posted on 18.11.2016 19:46
From Yorik

Solar diagrams in FreeCAD

New feature in FreeCAD: Arch Sites can now display a solar diagram:

More info at http://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=23&p=145036#p145036

permalink:  292   posted on 07.11.2016 3:16
From Yorik
Commenting post 291: No, this one was 100% blender until now

permalink:  291   posted on 06.11.2016 23:14
From rem
Commenting post 289: Dumb question : was it done with FreeCAD and its Architecture workbench ?

in categories  freecad  opensource  permalink:  290   posted on 02.11.2016 23:34
From Yorik
New opening symbols for Arch doors/windows in FreeCAD


in categories  works  architecture  projects  3d  blender  permalink:  289   posted on 02.11.2016 14:51
From Yorik

Casa Natureza

USA, 2016
Em projeto

Uma casa modernista da grande tradição brasileira do ideal das casas modernistas, que funciona para os climas do hemisfério norte.

Retorno à natureza

A modernist house in the grand tradition of Brazilian modernist dream houses, that works in northern hemisphere climates.

Return to the nature

Hoje todos nós vemos que a industrialização acelerada que nós temos vivido durante as últimas décadas está indo longe demais. O clima do nosso planeta está sofrendo perigosamente, bem como nossos próprios corpos humanos. Estamos consumindo muito, e confiando demais em uma cadeia interminável de tecnologias poluentes, onde cada uma finge resolver os problemas criados pela anterior. Muitos de nós sentem a necessidade urgente de escapar desse ciclo, e redescobrir um estilo de vida mais ligado à natureza e simplicidade.

Esta casa coloca você dentro da natureza. A qualquer momento, a partir de qualquer ponto, você vê, ouve e sente a natureza ao seu redor. Um mínimo de artificial e um máximo de natural. Ela funciona naturalmente melhor em grandes terrenos, mas pode ser acomodada em terrenos menores também, usando muita vegetação e jogando de forma inteligente com a topografia.

Today we all see that the accelerated industrialization we've been living in during the last decades is going too far. The climate of our planet is suffering dangerously, as well as our own human bodies. We are consuming too much, and relying too much on an endless chain of polluting technologies, each one pretending to solve the problems created by the previous one. Many of us feel the urgent need to escape that cycle, and rediscover a lifestyle more connected to nature and simplicity.

This house places you inside the nature. At any moment, from any point, you see, hear and feel nature around you. A minimum of artificial, and a maximum of natural. It works of course best on large terrains, but can be accommodated on smaller terrains as well, using of a lot of vegetation and playing intelligently with the topography.

Herança modernista

Modernist heritage

Arquitetos modernistas em todo o mundo, de volta à década de 40, tiveram uma forte compreensão da necessidade de uma conexão entre o ser humano e elementos naturais, como ar fresco e sol, e o delicado equilíbrio entre os volumes construídos e espaços abertos. Infelizmente, depois que os mestres desapareceram, o que os seus descendentes e o mundo lembraram do modernismo foi o aspecto, as, formas ascéticas brancas, e esqueceu-se sobre essas ideias muito fundamentais. As próximas décadas, evidentemente, viram o surgimento de fortes movimentos anti-modernistas. Hoje, estamos finalmente em condições de fazer as pazes com nosso passado e fazer algo novo a partir dessas preciosas ideias originais.

Esta casa não tenta ser de qualquer estilo. Ele tenta oferecer uma conexão simples e direta entre você e o mundo ao seu redor. Isso significa ser capaz de ver, ouvir ou sentir o exterior, e também tocar em matérias-primas, sentir a sua temperatura e sua conexão com a própria terra.

Modernist architects all over the world, back in the 40s, had a strong understanding of the need for connection between the human being and natural elements such as fresh air and sun, and the delicate balance between built volumes and open spaces. Unfortunately, after the masters vanished, what their descendants and the world remembered of modernism was the aspect, the white, ascetic forms, and forgot about those very fundamental ideas. The next decades, obviously, saw the emergence of strong anti-modernist movements. Today, we are finally able to make peace with our past, and make something new out of these precious, original ideas.

This house doesn't try to be of any style. It tries to offer a simple and direct connection between you and the world around you. This means being able to see, hear or feel the outside, but also touch raw materials, feel their temperature, and their connection to the very earth.

Ótimo comportamento climático

Great climatic behaviour

Um dos lugares no mundo onde a arquitetura modernista melhor sobreviveu com seu significado original é o Brasil. O clima perfeito, que, na maior parte do país torna o aquecimento ou arrefecimento desnecessário, empurrou o florescimento destas casas maravilhosas, aninhadas no meio da densa vegetação nativa, onde é possível abrir uma grande parte (se não toda) das peles de vidro e deixar o lado de fora entrar na casa.

"Aqui não é a Itália, isto nunca vai funcionar aqui", disse o povo, quando os arquitetos da cidade de Copenhagem propuseram em toda a cidade a criação de uma série de ciclovias, espaços abertos, terraços e lugares para que as pessoas simplesmente pudessem sentar e desfrutar de estar fora. Após terem sido implementados, não só eles são amplamente utilizados durante todo o ano, mesmo sob temperaturas congelantes, mas também mudaram Copenhagen profundamente e tornando-a uma das cidades com maior qualidade de vida em todo o mundo. Hoje, a área comercial pedestre e livre de carros Strøget é o cartão postal de Copenhagem. Acreditamos que o contato com a natureza é algo que todos nós desejamos, não importa onde no mundo.

One of the place in the world where modernist architecture has best survived with its original meaning is Brazil. The perfect climate, that in most of the country renders heating or cooling unnecessary, pushed the flourishing of these marvellous houses, nested in the middle of dense native vegetation, where it is possible to open a large part (if not all) of the glass walls, and let the outside enter the house.

"Here is not Italy, this will never work here" said people when the Copenhagen city architects proposed to create throughout the city a series of cycle routes, open spaces, terraces and places for people to simply sit and enjoy being outside. After these were implemented, not only are they extensively used the whole year round, even under freezing temperatures, but they also changed Copenhagen deeply and turned it one of the cities with the highest life quality worldwide. Today, the pedestrian, car free shopping area Strøget is the Copenhagen postcard. We believe that contact with nature is something we all want, no matter where in the world.

Não podemos deixar todas as nossas janelas abertas durante todo o ano, como no Brasil, quando vivemos em latitudes mais ao norte, isso é verdade. Isso não significa que nós não gostaríamos de abri-las amplamente, durante o tempo em que é possível. Isso também não significa que nós não poderíamos aproveitar esse contato sob outra forma, durante os meses de inverno.

We cannot leave all our windows open the whole year round, like in Brazil, when we live under more northern latitudes, that is true. That doesn't mean we don't like to open them wide, during the time when it is possible. That also doesn't mean we couldn't enjoy that contact under another form, during the winter months.

  1. laje de concreto
  2. teto isolante
  3. piso isolante
  4. vidro de alto desempenho
  5. sombreamento de bambu sobre o vidro ou painéis isolantes
  6. deck de madeira

Esta casa oferece grandes paredes de vidro, que podem ser amplamente e sem qualquer controle abertas durante todos os dias de verão, tornando os diferentes espaços interiores totalmente parte do lado de fora, e fazer você se sentir como se estivesse no Brasil. Durante o inverno, o seu isolamento altamente inovador a torna quase uma casa passiva. Uma concha de concreto externa funciona como um exoesqueleto de proteção. No interior, uma caixa térmica, literalmente, uma caixa dentro de outra caixa, é totalmente livre de elementos estruturais, o que a torna também totalmente livre de pontes térmicas, e fácil de aquecer. Tudo isto é conseguido com bom senso, bom pensamento e idéias simples, ao invés de tecnologias pesadas. Esta casa simplesmente não precisa delas. E mesmo durante os dias de inverno rigoroso, você nunca perde o contato com a natureza. Isso visualmente, graças às grandes janelas, mas também por causa dos materiais brutos e simples que estão infiltrados em seu interior.

  1. concrete slab
  2. insulated ceiling
  3. insulated floor
  4. high-performance glass
  5. bamboo shadowing over glass or insulated panels
  6. wooden deck

This house offers large glass walls, that can be widely and wildly opened all around during the summer days, turning the different spaces fully part of the outside, and making you feel like you were in Brazil. During the winter, its state-of-the-art insulation makes it almost a passive house. An outer concrete shell acts as a protective exoskeleton. Inside, an insulated box, literally a box-in-a-box, is totally free of structural elements, which makes it also totally free of thermal bridges, and easy to heat. All this is achieved with good sense, good thinking and simple ideas, rather than heavy technologies. This house simply doesn't need them. And even during harsh winter days, you never loose contact with nature. Visually, thanks to the large windows, but also because raw and simple materials infiltrate inside.

Um design de código aberto e internacional

International, open-source design

Esta casa adquiriu o conhecimento combinado de uma equipe de arquitetos brasileiros, europeus e norte-americanos. Nós entendemos as qualidades e a sensação única dessas casas brasileiras ideais, sabemos como elas funcionam e o que as faz formidáveis. Nós também temos uma enorme experiência de trabalho em países mais frios, sabemos o que faz um isolamento bom e eficiente, e nós temos ao longo do tempo desenvolvido várias idéias para fazer ambos os lados trabalharem juntos.

This house gains from the combined knowledge of a team of Brazilian, European and US architects. We understand the qualities and the unique feeling of these dream brazilian houses and know how they work and what makes them great. We also have a lot of experience working in colder countries, know what makes a good and efficient insulation, and we have over time developed several ideas to make both sides work together.

O projeto desta casa também tem o código totalmente aberto, o que permite uma alta permeabilidade das ideias. Ao ser usado por outras pessoas, ele também se beneficia do que as outras pessoas fazem, e novas ideias taçhadas no mundo todo são fáceis de adaptar e incorporar. Acreditamos que este é seu o verdadeiro e último significado que a habitação passiva e de baixo consumo deve alcançar, em vez de se tornar refém de poucas soluções de alta tecnologia.

The design of this house is also fully open-source, which permits a high permeability of ideas. By being used by other people, it also benefits from what other people do, and new cleaver ideas from around the world are easy to adapt and incorporate. We believe this is the ultimate, true meaning that passive and low-consumption housing must achieve, instead of being hostage of a few high-tech solutions.

Quanto custa?

How much does it cost?

Infelizmente, é impossível dar uma resposta direta a esta pergunta. Existem muitas variáveis que dependem de condições locais, tais como o clima, o terreno, que pode exigir fundações profundas ou não, a disponibilidade e preço dos materiais próximos ao terreno, e de construtores capazes de lidar com as matérias-primas deste casa com qualidade.

No entanto, graças ao uso da tecnologia BIM, uma lista de quantidades está sendo elaborada em conjunto com o projeto. Este quantitativo enumera todos os itens necessários para construir a casa. Com essa lista em mãos, você será capaz de ir a uma empresa de construção, ou orçamentista mais próximo, e pedir para colocar os preços em cada item.

O projeto da casa também pode ser profundamente modificado sem perder suas qualidades fundamentais. Isso permite que uma grande modificação de quantidade de espaço e do orçamento, para cima ou para baixo.

It is unfortunately impossible to give a direct answer to this question. There are too many variables that depend on local conditions, such as the climate, the terrain, which can require deep foundations or not, the availability and price of materials close to the terrain, and of builders able to cope with the raw materials of this house with quality.

However, thanks to the use of BIM technology, a bill of quantities is being elaborated together with the project. This bill lists all the items needed to build the house. With that bill in hands, you will be able to go to the nearest building company or quantity surveyor, and ask to put prices on each item.

The house design can also be heavily modified, without loosing its fundamental qualities. This allows a great deal of space and budget scaling, upwards or downwards.

  1. sala de estar e sala de jantar "públicos": 35,90 m² / 386,5 SQF
  2. cozinha: 8,55 m² / 92 SQF
  3. entrada/corredor: 28,44 m² / 306 SQF
  4. área de serviço: 5,41 m² / 58 SQF
  5. lavatório: 2,37 m² / 25,5 SQF
  6. banho: 4,78 m² / 51,5 SQF
  7. suíte: 11,30 m² / 121,5 SQF
  8. dormitório: 11,30 m² / 121,5 SQF
  9. dormitório: 11,30 m² / 121,5 SQF
  10. banheiro: 3,51 m² / 38 SQF
  11. escritório: 3,70 m² / 40 SQF
  12. sala de estar "privada": 26,5 m² / 285 SQF
  13. terraço: 70,69 m² / 761 SQF
  1. "public" lounge & dining room: 35.90 m² / 386.5 sqf
  2. kitchen: 8.55 m² / 92 sqf
  3. hall: 28.44 m² / 306 sqf
  4. laundry: 5.41 m² / 58 sqf
  5. lavatory: 2.37 m² / 25.5 sqf
  6. bathroom: 4.78 m² / 51.5 sqf
  7. master bedroom: 11.30 m² / 121.5 sqf
  8. bedroom: 11.30 m² / 121.5 sqf
  9. bedroom: 11.30 m² / 121.5 sqf
  10. bathroom: 3.51 m² / 38 sqf
  11. office: 3.70 m² / 40 sqf
  12. "private" lounge: 26.5 m² / 285 sqf
  13. terrace: 70.69 m² / 761 sqf

Este projeto é de código aberto. Os arquivos estão disponíveis no nosso github.

This project is open-source. Files are available on our github.

in categories  works  architecture  projects  permalink:  288   posted on 02.11.2016 14:49
From Yorik

in categories  freecad  permalink:  287   posted on 02.11.2016 14:47
From Yorik
FreeCAD Arch support in TechDraw at work...

permalink:  286   posted on 31.10.2016 22:37
From Yorik
Commenting post 285: Yes, but again you might need to do that by scripting, not sure if the standard Part cross section tool will take such a curved surface.

permalink:  285   posted on 31.10.2016 20:52
From TomaLars
Commenting post 284: Hi again,

Thanks for the reply!
Is it possible to obtain in Freecad a cross section of one or more objects using as cut plane one that is not flat but curved?
Just to give a better idea: take an open parametric curve and extrude it...that is the cut plane.

permalink:  284   posted on 29.10.2016 15:05
From Yorik
Commenting post 282: Hi,

This is certainly possible, as long as all your geometry is based on math formulas (FreeCAD is not too good with purely organic shapes). You might need to develop some tools yourself, as not many people work with clothoids at the moment But it's nothing hard if you are ready to learn a bit of python scripting.

As for collision control, there is nothing ready for that in FreeCAD at the moment, but it also doesn't seem too hard to achieve, specially for static models. There are a lot of very easy tests you can perform between objects already (check if their bounding boxes intersect, for example), which would leave you with a much smaller subset of objects to check for "real" (at geometry level) collision. And there are probably several open-source libraries out there that could do the job, that could easily be plugged in FreeCAD.

permalink:  283   posted on 29.10.2016 14:57
From Yorik
Commenting post 279: I agree totally. However, there are many different groups and communities looking at the sustainability issue, and it is understandable that some of them don't want the "bulky" thing that IFC is, they prefer a format tailored specifically to the task, like GBXML. And I also think it does good to FreeCAD not to "mold" itself to IFC (that would be the equivalent to speaking only one language) but to be compatible with several formats and paradigms. So in that regard working with GBXML makes sense... Of course nothing prevents us from supporting IFC's equivalent too

permalink:  282   posted on 29.10.2016 6:53
From TomaLars
Hi Yorik,
I'd like to use Freecad at work as support tool for collision control and drawing production.
I am a civil engineer and in my company we design several type of long span bridges.
These bridges are always described by alignment and gradient that are clothoids, arches or straight lines and often composed by elements that are not parallel to a plane x-y, x-z, y-z.
For a BIM software this is quite of a challenge.
Do you think that Freecad is suitable for this task? Where can I find examples and tutorial about complex shapes creation and positioning?

permalink:  279   posted on 17.10.2016 7:12
From Nirbhay Chauhan
Commenting post 277: I very well appreciate the concept of gbXML but why can't the features
of gbXML be included in IFC? Why should one have a separate format for
energy & thermal analysis of a BIM model?

IFC2x3 has the provision of Structural Analysis Domain. Similarly,
there can be a domain for energy & thermal analysis too.

If the Autodesk is interfering here too. May be We can interfere
with IFC and add new parameters as per our requirement. I remember an
FB post at this instance once shared by you, "One who controls the
IFC, controls the Universe."

permalink:  278   posted on 17.10.2016 7:07
From Nirbhay Chauhan
Commenting post 277: Sooner, one will be able to model the exact virtual prototype of the
physical world, may be the Globe someday. The way with which FreeCAD
is making developments is winning my heart. As the concept of terrain
to be the surface properties rather than making a solid block as in
Revit, is something very practical.

I feel fortunate to be a user of FreeCAD. :-)

in categories  freecad  opensource  permalink:  277   posted on 16.10.2016 20:59
From Yorik

#FreeCAD BIM development news

Here goes a little report from the FreeCAD front, showing a couple of things I've been working on in the last weeks.


As a follow-up of this post, several new features have been added to the Arch Site object. The most important is that the Site is now a Part object, which means it has a shape. Before, it was only a group, it had no "physical" existence in the 3D world. It now behaves like other Arch objects, that is, it has a base property (which is here called "Terrain"), that contains a base terrain object, that, at the moment, must an open Part object. Later on it will be extended to also accept meshes.

Then you have two additional properties, "Additions" and "Subtractions", same as other Arch objects. These are set by double-clicking the Site object in the tree view. With these, you can add solid objects as subtractions and additions.

When adding these objects, the result you get is this:

The difference with other Arch objects is that the site is always an open surface. It is not a solid. Other BIM apps usually require you to model a piece of solid to be the terrain, but I find that weird and arbitrary, most (all?) ways to obtain terrain data (GIS data, on-site measurements, etc) will give you only surface data. Why would the BIM app need a solid? Besides, in the long run, no doubt FreeCAD will gain tools for heavy civil engineering like roads and tunnels. These people certainly won't be satisfied with a simple block of uniform terrain. We'll need to be able to represent different geological layers. So sooner or later the solid representation would need to be changed.

It seems a safer bet to me to start slowly, and consider, for now, terrains as surfaces. Note that it is totally possible to interact with solids. In the images above, the red and blue shapes that get added/subtracted are solids. The result is a surface, but the Site object keeps track of the volumes of earth being excavated and filled in two separate properties (Addition Volume and Subtraction Volume). Additional properties will give you the terrain real area, the area of the projection on the XY (horizontal) plane, and the length of the perimeter.


I also did some more work on spaces. Basically, they received a couple of new properties such as vertical area, perimeter and a series of properties related to space use (number of people, energy consumption, etc) that will be needed for GBXML export. Note also that Equipment objects can now also have energy consumption defined, and you can have the consumption of spaces automatically calculated by summing the consumption of equipment inside it.

I also worked further on the GBXML exporter itself, but met a temporary showstopper. To test GBXML output, we need an application that can import GBXML and, preferably, do something with it. As far as I know, the only one avaialble that is open-source and runs on Linux is OpenStudio, which by the way seems a really nice thing. It is a bit hard to find the source code of OpenStudio, but it is on github. Problem: OpenStudio uses libraries about 2 years old (boost mainly) and doesn't run on modern Linux systems (their officially supported platform is an Ubuntu from 2012...) So I'm now busy trying to make OpenStudio work on my machine, which requires a ton of small fixes and is not a very easy task for a C++ ignorant. We could of course ask for help to the OpenStudio people, but the project has 691 open issues, I don't think we have a lot of chances to be heard.

If you read this and have some good knowledge of boost, I'd be very grateful for a little help!

About GBXML export from FreeCAD, it seems to me that the whole idea (looking at sketchup videos) of working with GBXML is to work with spaces. Spaces are the building blocks of a GBXML file. They have a series of properties, and each of their surfaces also has different properties such as material, orientation and what there is behind (exterior, ground or another space).

At the moment, spaces in FreeCAD are just containers for equipments, and carry information such as area. They can also be defined by boundary elements such as walls. But to make them work for GBXML, we'll need more, for example the ability to define a material for each surface, and also know if another space is behind a specific surface.

This would basically require spaces to touch each other, and not stop at walls like they do now. This might actually be easier for space calculations too. My idea at the moment is simply to make spaces behave differently when a wall or slab is used as boundary. Instead of stopping at the wall face, it would go up to the wall "midplane" (which will now need to be calculated). This way, any space would know 1) which material each surface is made of, by querying the material of the wall, and 2) which space is behind, by querying the wall for other attached spaces. All this should stay optinal of course, so you can still use spaces to calculate the "inner" area of a room.

Structural nodes

As discussed several times with Bernd, the official civil engineer of FreeCAD and one of the masterminds behind the FEM workbench, it is important to be able to extract an analytic model from structural elements in FreeCAD. Since quite some time, Arch structure elements have a "Nodes" property, which contains a list of 3D points. These form a linear sequence, that represents a structural line for the element. These nodes are calculated automatically, but can now also be edited manually, the same way as you can edit Draft objects. You can also easily make the nodes of several elements coincide, so it is now very easy to obtain analytic models like this:

Note that the slab, on top of the beam, can have its nodes form a plane instead of a line. This will later on be added to walls too.

We are not sure how/where to export these models yet, I'll try to start with IFC, which supports such analytic representations. Later on, we'll see...


Panels also received a little upgrade that I needed for a project: The ability to represent corrugated panels like these:

For this, a couple of new properties have been added to panels, where you can specify the type, direction, height and length of the waves. The rest continues to behave like before, so you just need to draw a 2D object, then press the Panel button to turn this 2D object into a panel.


Arch Windows could already have 3 kinds of components: frames, glass panels and solid panels. There is now a fourth: louvres. So now windows can also be used not only to make doors and windows, but also different kinds of shading devices.

To add louvred panels to a window, all that is needed is to edit the window by double-clicking it in the tree view, selecting a component, and changing its type to louvre. Two new window properties, Louvre Width and Louvre Spacing, will control the size and spacing of the louvre elements.

permalink:  276   posted on 15.10.2016 22:31
From Bojan
Hi Yorik,

First of all, great work on FreeCAD! I’m checking it out from time to time to see how things are going, as I would really like to work with BIM in Linux and open source. The sheer potential of FC is inspiring.

All that sad, I’m still struggling with the basic design workflow. The main problem is how to work with walls, windows and their baselines. We should be able to design from scratch, move the walls around and edit them freely and in any view. Right now this is very hard due to complicated relationships between elements (If we move the wall, baseline stays, if we move the wall baseline, window stays, if we edit the angle of the wall, everything is wrong, etc…)

Do you have some recommendations on how to do this basic operations if we want to use FreeCAD not just as a modeling-over-finished-layout tool but from the start of the project, as the central software in the design process? A few advices or examples would be really great!

Thanks in advance. All the best!


in categories  freecad  permalink:  275   posted on 12.10.2016 22:08
From Yorik
Electric design in FreeCAD...

in categories  freecad  opensource  permalink:  274   posted on 03.10.2016 24:31
From Yorik

Working with GIS, terrains and #FreeCAD

Or, how to build a precise 3D terrain from any place of the world.

Again not much visually significant FreeCAD development to show this week, so here is another interesting subject, that I started looking at in an earlier post.

We architects should really begin to learn about GIS.

GIS stands for Geographic information system and begins to be more and more used by administrations around the world, specially cities, to manage their physical area and infrastucture in all their complexities.

Also, it is becoming more and more their preferred way to deliver data that you need to use when doing a project on a certain plot of terrain in that city. Before, you would go to the city council, and ask for the data they have on a specific plot. In the old times, they would give you a photocopy of a piece of some plan, and a form filled with some additional information. In the recent years, most of them had switched to CAD systems and gave you DWG files to work with.

Now, DWG files are being abandoned worldwide, and, together with the better integration of the different services that compose a city council, they are adopting GIS systems. So we'd better learn how it works.

It is actually far better than before. GIS is a bit like CAD, but adapted for working with terrains, maps and geographic data. GIS files are usually made of layers, like a CAD file, but layers can contain vectorial data, like CAD, or bitmap (that they call raster) images. The most important feature, though, is that everything is georeferenced, which means that any point has a precise, exact position on earth. So you can join all kinds of data coming from all kinds of sources in a same file, everything will stack exactly on top of each other. In GIS you never move anything.

The amount of data that you can find online, already properly formatted, that you can simply drag and drop in your GIS application, to build beautiful maps with a huge quantity of layers is really impressive. In this article, I'll use data from my hometown, Brussels, and the city I live in now, São Paulo. Both have a public GIS website from where you can download data. I'll also take elevation maps directly from the NASA website. I'll use the most well-known, open-source, multiplatform GIS app available, called QGIS. I recommend you to install it, I bet very soon a GIS tool will be part of any architect's toolbox. Fianlyl, we'll export our map to a DXF file so we can build architecture projects on it, and build a 3D terrain model in FreeCAD. After installing, check the "Plugins" menu of QGIS, it has an amazing collection of useful plugins, a favorite being the openlayer plugin, which lets you work on top of an OpenStretMap layer, which is an excellent way to start a new work in QGIS.

Obtaining GIS data from the São Paulo city council is easy. Head to their GIS portal, zoom to the neighborhood of your choice, click the "Download" button in the left toolbar, and select the type of data you wish to download. Be sure to select "shapefiles" data type, which is the most common GIS format.

Brussels also has a similar geodata portal, a little bit more complex to navigate, but allow to download the same kind of data. However, they also have a much simpler download app which lets you easily specify the dataset you want to download and get the same shapefiles.

There is also one precious type of data available on the NASA website: Elevation maps. Several times in the history, they have covered the world with a satellite able to find map the elevation of any point on earth (apparently with very simple techniques like sending a wave signal and measuring the time it takes to bounce back). The latest data, collected with the ASTER satellite in 2009, has a 30x30m resolution of the whole earth, and is available freely on the NASA Echo Reverb website. The data comes in a special kind of bitmap image format called GeoTIFF which is basically a greyscale TIFF image with floating-point values (unlimited number of grey shades) and it is, of course, georeferenced.

Downloading data from there is however a bit more complex:

  1. egister a new account (it looks commercial, but ASTER data is free)
  2. Log in
  3. Zoom on the map
  4. Draw a rectangle
  5. In the list below, mark "ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model V002"
  6. Click Search for Granules
  7. In the next screen, under Granules you will get one (or more) zip files like ASTGTM2_S24W047.zip. Add them to the cart
  8. Click view items in cart. You will get all the zips you added, plus a "ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model V002" that you don't need to worry about
  9. Click "order" (it definitely doesn't look like it, but it's free)
  10. Accept all the requirements and click "submit order"
  11. You will get an email with a download link. Normally it's immediate, but one time I had to wait an hour or two.
  12. Unzip, and unzip another zip inside, there is your geotiff

Once we have all this data unzipped, we can just drag-and-drop the geotiffs and the shapefiles from the Browser Panel of QGIS into a fresh, blank document. Right-clicking on each new layer in the Layers Panel will allow to change visual properties such as color and transparency.

One very important note: Projecting coordinates onto the earth is a very complex business (think that the earth is not even completely spherical!). As a result, there are hundreds of different projection methods. You will quickly see that a shapefile is actually several files. One of these files defines the projection method. On the GIS portals above they usually inform which projection system they use for their data. In this case, Brussels uses Belgian Lambert 1972 projection, and São Paulo uses SAD69/96 UTM 23S. So make sure, when you insert a new layer, that it uses the correct projection. You can check or change by right-clicking a layer and "Set Layer CRS".

Above is Brussels central area buildings layer with the corresponding GeoTIFF image in the background. Generating contour lines from a GeoTIFF image involves two steps: Cropping (the area of the GeoTIFF is usually way too large for what we need) and generating the contour lines. Both operations are available from menu Raster -> Extraction. When using the Contour tool, be sure to turn "Attribute generation" on. This will, together with the contour lines, build a table and store the elevation of each line. This will be useful when we'll recreate a 3D model.

Our map is now complete, and if we right-click the contours layer, and check the attributes, we see our elevations list:

Before exporting to DXF, we need to perform one last step. The DXF exporter of QGIS will only export vector layers with the same projection system. However, the contours have taken the same projection system as the GeoTIFF, which are not Belgian Lambert. We then need to convert first. This is done by saving the contours layer (right-click it -> Save as) with the Belgian Lambert 72 projection system. Once that is done, we can discard the old one, and save to DXF via File -> DXF export. Make sure you mark the "Export features intersecting the current map extent" option, otherwise you'll be exporting the whole city, which will be quite huge.

We can then open our file in our vavorite DXF application(such as QCAD and do the necessary cleaning, remove stuff we don't need, etc. Both DXF files exported with Lambert or SAD69 will produce files in meters, I don't know if it is the case with any projection system, you'd better verify if using another system.

Unfortunately this DXF contains only 2D data. If you check the "Elevation" property of the terrain polylines, they are all zero. However, GDAL, the processing engine behind QGIS, is able to produce such a 3D DXF file from a contour shapefile with an "ELEV" attribute as we've taken care to do. Open a shell window in the folder that contains your contours file, and run a command like:

ogr2ogr -f "dxf" contours-lambert.dxf contours-lambert.shp -zfield ELEV

Changing "contours-lambert" by the name you used to save the contour file. You will see that a DXF file has been added. I wish someone would produce a plugin to do this from inside QGIS!

The new DXF file has the exact same coordinates as the previous one, so you can just import it in the former one, everything should just click into place (Any problem, open it in a separate tab and use the "Copy with basepoint" function of your CAD app and copy/paste the curves from/to the same point such as 0,0). Make sure to leave the 3D curves in their separate layer, so we can isolate them later to build the terrain.

It's now time to open the DXF file in FreeCAD. Make sure the "group objects by layer" option is turned on in the DXF preferences so we get all our curves as one object:

To build a nice BSpline surface from our curves can be easily done from the python console (at the moment there is no GUI tool for it). First we need to turn our curved into a points cloud by activating the "Points" workbench and using the "Points -> Convert to Points..." menu item, with a rather large value, like 5 or 10. After that, issuing these commands in the python console will create the BSpline surface (change the getObject("Points") with yours if your points cloud object is not named "Points"):

import Part,ReverseEngineering
obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject("Points")

This might take a little while. Use lower values than 16 to get a coarser but faster result, or higher to get a finer result. But you'll get a nice 3D surface built from the curves. This surface can then be measured, cropped, turned into a solid, etc.. with precise calculations.

permalink:  273   posted on 28.09.2016 20:06
From No Name
Commenting post 269: Good work! Congratulation :-)

permalink:  272   posted on 28.09.2016 12:26
From Ingo
Ich bin Maschinenbau Ingenieur und arbeite seit 20 Jahren als Konstrukteur und die letzten 8 Jahre als CAD Administrator. Allein an Lizenzkosten bezahlen wir jährlich für unsere 30 3D CAD Arbeitsplätze über 50.000 Euro!
Vor einigen Wochen hatten ich den Verkäufer, der für uns zuständigen Supportfirma im Hause, der mir günstig anbot ihm in den nächsten 3 Jahren 10 Lizenzen abzukaufen. Darauf zeigte ich ihm FREECAD und sagt ihm in 3 Jahren kann dort noch sehr viel passieren!

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
aus good old germany


permalink:  271   posted on 27.09.2016 14:45
From Alan Carvalho
Commenting post 270: Oi Yorik,
Muito legal isso!

Não conhecia o OpenLayers! Muito interessante!



in categories  opensource  permalink:  270   posted on 26.09.2016 21:58
From Yorik

Obtendo mapas de São Paulo

No FISL do ano passado, ouvimos uma palestra sobre o geosampa bem interessante. Pouco tempo depois, o site já estava funcionando, e acabei de dar uma olhada agora, está ficando impressionante. Basicamente, é um site mantido pela prefeitura de São Paulo, que disponibiliza de maneira aberta e gratuita mapas de todo qual tipo da cidade.

Veja você mesmo: http://geosampa.prefeitura.sp.gov.br

Tem dados de muitos órgãos municipais, dá para ligar e desligar camadas no painel de direita, etc. Uma vez que obteve um belo mapa, é só clicar o botão "Salvar mapa como imagem" no menu esquerdo. Mas tem muito melhor:

Nas primeiras versões dava para baixar arquivos DXF. Esses arquivos DXF ainda estão ali (botão Download de Arquivos na barra esquerda -> Sistema viário -> Quadra viária), mas o sistema oferece agora coisas muito mais poderosas, compatíveis com sistemas GIS (são sistemas tipo CAD usados por geógrafos). Dá para criar mapas muito mais bonitos que os velhos arquivos DXF. Vou mostrar rapidamente:

Você vai precisar de um software GIS. O melhor e mais famoso software GIS opensource se chama QGIS, e pode ser baixado para Windwos/Mac/Linux em http://qgis.org/en/site/. É um pouco complexo de manipular, mas vamos apenas usar umas coisas simples dele.

A grande vantagem de trabalhar com GIS é que tudo está sempre georreferenciado. Qualquer linha, ponto, área sempre tem coordenadas reais na terra. Você adiciona dados vindo de todo qual tipo de fonte, e eles se sobrepõem um ao outro no lugar exato, sem precisar mover manualmente nem risco de erro.

A partir do QGIS, uma vez que temos um mapa como queremos, pode ser simplesmente exportada para DXF, mas tem também possibilidades com aspecto melhor como SVG ou PDF. Como somos quase todos da área do CAD aqui, vou explicar como exportar para DXF.

1. Abre o http://geosampa.prefeitura.sp.gov.br e faça um zoom até enquadrar a área desejada.

2. Aperte o botão "Download de Arquivos"

3. No painel de download que vai abrir, escolhe o tipo de dado que você deseja, e clique "shapefile" (que são os arquivos GIS). Repita para cada tipo de dado que quer adicionar ao mapa. Alguns tipos de dado cobrem São Paulo inteiro, outros somente uma área. Não tem importância, no QGIS tudo vai se sobrepor perfeitamente.

4. Alguns shapefiles vem com diferentes opções de sistema de projeção (SIRGAS, SAD69-96, etc). É mais prático pegar todos com o mesmo sistema, mas não é muito importante, o QGIS aceita todos e combina tudo corretamente.

5. Dezipe todos os arquivos zipados. Cada arquivo zip contém uma ou mais pastas, cada uma com o mesmo shapefile em vários formatos. Usaremos o formato .shp.

6. Abra o QGIS, e crie um novo projeto (Project -> New)

7. Com cada tipo de dado que baixamos, temos que adicionar uma nova camada vetorial no nosso mapa Menu Layer -> Add Layer -> Add Vector Layer. Escolhe a opção "From file" e navegue para uma das pastas que baixamos. Selecione o arquivo .shp

8. Agora é o ponto MUITO importante. Após selecionar o arquivo .shp, um diálogo vai abrir perguntando o sistema de projeção a ser usado para essa camada. Use exatamente o sistema em que veio o shapefile (SIRGAS ou SAD69-96) e sempre a mesma latitude (por exemplo, sempre 23S). Se estiver com sistema de projeção errado, obviamente, as coordenadas da camada estarão erradas.

9. Repita até importar todos os seus dados. Você pode reorganizar as camadas arrastando elas no painel de camadas, e mudar cor e transparência clicando com o botão direito nelas -> Properties.

10. As linhas pretas vão ser exportadas em preto no DXF, portanto, se quiser exportar para DXF, é melhor escolher uma outra cor para as linhas.

11. Zoome a janela principal até enquadrar a área que deseja exportar, como na imagem acima (é a praça da Sé, caso esteja tentando adivinhar).

12. Exporte para DXF (menu Project -> DXF export). Na janela que abre, escolhe um nome em "save as", marque as camadas que deseja exportar, e marque a opção "Export features insersecting the current map extent", senão ele vai exportar São Paulo inteiro, o que pode dar um arquivo gigantesco.

13. Abre o arquivo DXF no seu programa CAD favorito (aqui QCAD):

14. Tudo estará la, na escala correta (em metros). Também é possível exportar para SVG ou PDF, por isso é preciso primeiro criar uma "página" no QGIS com o Composer (menu Project -> Composer manager).

in categories  freecad  opensource  permalink:  269   posted on 25.09.2016 23:43
From Yorik

Working with terrain in #FreeCAD

Since I have not much new FreeCAD-related development to show this week, I'll showcase an existing feature that has been around for some time, which is an external workbench named geodata, programmed by the long-time FreeCAD community member and guru Microelly2.

That workbench is part of the FreeCAD addons collection, which is a collection of additional workbenches that are not part of the core FreeCAD package but, since they are programmed entirely in Python and therefore don't need to be compiled, can be easily added to an existing FreeCAD installation. The FreeCAD addons repo linked above also provides a macro, which, once run inside FreeCAD, gives you an easy graphical installer that allows you to install, update or remove any of those additional workbenches. Click the link above and you'll get all the necessary instructions.

Also, this year was the first participation of FreeCAD to the Google Summer of Code. We got one student, Mandeep, who worked on building a more solid plugins installer for FreeCAD, capable of installing these workbenches but also all the macros found on the wiki. The work is not finished yet, but no doubt in the near future we will finally have a decent way to install all these additional features in FreeCAD.

Microelly2's geodata workbench basically allows you to fetch terrain data from the net, basically roads and building data from openstreetmap and terrain height data from both openstreetmap (but it doesn't always have accurate data) and NASA's SRTM data.

The procedure to get a piece of terrain with its height data in FreeCAD is quite simple:

  1. Install the geodata workbench and restart FreeCAD
  2. Switch to the geodata workbench
  3. Get the exact coordinates of the center of the zone you wish to import. You can do that simply by zooming in openstreetmap or in google maps, and you will see the coordinates in the URL bar of your browser
  4. In FreeCAD, menu GeoData -> Import OSM Map, fill in the coordinates. Leave "process elevation data" off. Buildings and roads are imported
  5. Click menu GeoData->Import OSM Heights and/or GeoData -> Import SRTM Heights to import height data from these two sources (use the same coordinates).

When done, you will get a piece of terrain with the roads and buildings, and the two terrain data (the SRTM data comes as a points cloud):

There will still be a bit of work necessary to turn this into data you can work with, but it's already a huge part of the work done.

The reason why I got interested in terrain data this week is aalso because I'm working on extending the Arch Site tool. Currently it is a simple container (it's actually simply a FreeCAD group with a couple of additional properties), but the idea is to turn it into something useful to:

  • Hold and process terrain data coming in various forms, such as meshes
  • Be able to get basic properties such as perimeter length or area
  • Be able to subtract or add volumes to it

A made already a couple of experiments to see how far that is possible, and it actually works surprisingly well. In the image below, a mesh was quickly made in Blender, imported and scaled in FreeCAD, then turned into an open Part shape (a shell). Doing boolean operations with shells gives a lot of interesting possibilities, and it's totally possible to keep the terrain surface "open" (no need to add an artificial thickness to it), and be able to subtract or add solids to/from it. Of course the volumes of earth that need to be added/removed are therefore easily computable.

I still need to solve a couple of minor issues, then all this should be in the FreeCAD code pretty soon.

permalink:  268   posted on 18.09.2016 12:31
From Danilson Gomes
Commenting post 262: Bom ver que o FreeCAD esta avançando para se tornar um programa livre e potente! Tenho muita esperança em FreeCAD. Estou num processo de migraçao, pois quero depender menos de programas proprietarios e aprender os programas livres.

permalink:  267   posted on 18.09.2016 10:04
From Smithc690
Commenting post 159: I got what you intend, thankyou for putting up.Woh I am lucky to find this website through google. Being intelligent is not a felony, but most societies evaluate it as at least a misdemeanor. by Lazarus Long. ddkeddffceaegkec

permalink:  266   posted on 18.09.2016 1:36
From sergio
Commenting post 262: I have long tried to use FreeCAD, but like others I know find the same difficulties. I can not use satisfactorily the units metro system. I have experience in Blender, Autocad, Rhinoceros and others. I like FreeCAD but I can not use it.

permalink:  265   posted on 18.09.2016 1:28
From Yorik
Commenting post 264: I really dislike people that post comments only to tell they dislike something. These so called "comments" are more public masturbation than real knowledge sharing.

permalink:  264   posted on 17.09.2016 23:43
From Yapa
Commenting post 180: This tutorial is a selfish and awfully pedantic demonstration made by a guru. This is not a tutorial, which could begin by a shoebox or a doghouse. I really dislike people that name "tutorial" something totally out of reach for common beginner. These so called "tutos" are more public masturbation than real knowledge sharing.

permalink:  263   posted on 17.09.2016 22:43
From Renato Rebelo
Spectacular, FreeCAD is getting better and better
good job
thank you,

in categories  freecad  opensource  permalink:  262   posted on 17.09.2016 22:23
From Yorik

#FreeCAD news and Arch workflow

So, let's continue to post more often about FreeCAD. I'm beginning to organize a bit better, gathering screenshots and ideas during the week, so I'll try to keep this going. This week has seen many improvements, specially because we've been doing intense FreeCAD work with OpeningDesign. Like everytime you make intense use of FreeCAD or any other app, you spot a lot of smaller bugs and repetitive annoyances. But a look a the commits log will inform you that many of those have already been fixed on the way.

The above image shows one of these jobs, more about it below

Generally speaking, working with FreeCAD is becoming very stable. Drafting and modelling is very straightforward already, and the workflow even begins to become fast. The biggest bottleneck I encountered during this week is using the Drawing workbench to build 2D sheets of the model. This is mostly due to the limitations of Qt's SVG engine, which doesn't support the full SVG specification, and many features like clipping, multiline texts or hatches are not supported by the Drawing viewer. When exporting your final Drawing sheet to SVG, however, and opening it in a better SVG-supporting application such as Inkscape, Firefox or Chrome, the result is very good. But it is annoying to have to work in the Drawing module without seeing the actual result (that's actually the main reason why there is a "preview in browser" button in Drawing).

But, bearing with these difficulties, it is already totally possible to produce this kind of result:

This is about to change, however, with the new TechDraw workbench that is currently already available in development versions of FreeCAD (refer to previous posts to obtain one). TechDraw is not based directly on SVG anymore, but on the more generic graphics engine of Qt. The final SVG sheet that it produces is built from it, at the moment you export, but what you see while you are working is not the SVG data itself anymore. This might seem more complex (it is, actually), but opens up a huge array of possibilities. Most of the limitations above don't exist anymore in TechDraw.

Of the two main tools that we use in architectural and BIM work to build 2D sheets, which are the Draft view and the SectionPlane view (which is also built with the Drawing Draft tool), so far only the Draft view has been implemented in TechDraw, once the Section View tool is implemented too we can think of abandoning the Drawing for good.

I'll describe a bit more of the workflow used in the jobs illustrated in this post. Almost everything was done directly in FreeCAD. The only pieces done outside were the cleaning of the existing floor plan, that we got in DWG form, in DraftSight, and the preparing of the Drawing template, and a couple of SVG objects to be placed directly on it, in Inkscape. All the rest is pure FreeCAD.

The basic workflow was this:

  1. Clean of unnecessary stuff in the DWG file, reduce number of layers, export it to DXF (in DraftSight)
  2. Import the DXF file in FreeCAD
  3. Draw a couple of lines and wires on top of the walls and columns of the existing floor plan (You can draw walls and structural elements directly, but I like to draw the baselines myself, to make sure they are where I want them, and I find the Draft tools much more convenient to draw stuff).
  4. Turn all your lines and wires to walls or structures (this whole thing is actually almost as fast as drawing them directly)
  5. Adjust thickness, height, alignment, etc... of walls and structures
  6. Put everything in groups. For me a huge power of FreeCAD over other BIM applications is the free grouping possibilities. By creating groups, and groups inside groups, you are basically organizing your data the way you want. No limitations, no rigid building/foor structure to follow. All the separation of, for example, the existing walls, the new walls and the walls to be demolished is simply done with groups.
  7. Add doors and windows. In most cases I didn't use the "in-wall" capability of windows, I made the openings first by subtracting a volume, then made the doors outside of any wall, and simply cloned them and moved them to their final places. This is bit slower, but makes your geometry much more failsafe, since windows are a delicate matter and still have bugs here and there.
  8. Add annotations, linework, texts, dimensions, in 2D, directly in the model (in the future, we hope to do most of this directly in TechDraw, but at the moment this "old-school" workflow is solid and works well. Again, separate annotations in groups, depending on the subject.
  9. Add one or more Section Planes to define plans and sections you'll need. If you grouped your objects well, you will only have one or two groups to add to the section plane as "seen objects". It is best to leave all the 2D geometry and annotations out, and have section planes only see 3D objects (being Arch or not).
  10. Prepare a Drawing template in Inkscape
  11. Create a new sheet in FreeCAD's Drawing workbench, give it our template, and start adding our stuff there, by using the Draft View tool, either with section planes selected (for cut or viewed 3D geometry), or groups containing linework, texts and dimensions (for 2D and annotations). This will allow you to create only a few Drawing views, so it keeps manageable.
  12. The clip tool of the Drawing workbench is annoying to use (it draws a big black rectangle on the sheet, which is not exported fortunately), so it's best to think about your layout beforehand, and model only what will appear on the sheet.
  13. Use the Drawing symbol and annotation tools to add stuff (logos, titles, etc) directly on the sheet.
  14. Export to SVG, open in Inkscape, there you have a chance to do more last-minute fixes if needed, and save as PDF. It is possible to export a PDF directly from FreeCAD, but opening it in another app is good to make sure everything is OK.
  15. Finally, in order to export to IFC, gather the arch objects inside a Building, export, and you are done. It is always a good idea to verify the exported IFC file in another IFC viewer application to make sure everything is there an dat the right place. A quick fix for buggy objects is to force them to export to Brep (there is a command for that in Arch -> Utilities).

Interesting detail, the small city map in the images above, is taken directly from OpenStreetMap. There you have a "share" button that exports to SVG. You can then open that in Inkscape, rework it a bit if you like (change some colors and linetypes, etc), save it and place it directly on your Drawing sheet.

Of course this workflow above is somewhat distant than what you are used to with commercial BIM applications. But things are improving, and also this is not necessarily something negative. It also gives you a lot more freedom, and the mix of 2D and 3D that FreeCAD offers, that you had in the old times of AutoCAD or in apps like Rhino is something I find much valuable.

Don't forget that almost all the work of OpeningDesign is open, so all the files from the examples above are available online.

Finally, a word about two features I added this week, one is a new display mode for walls, which shows them in wireframe, but with the bottom face hatched, which makes it very nice to work in plan view

Right now it's still in testing, to see how useful it is and how well it behaves, but if it works well it should be extended to support different patterns (taken from the material, for example), and to extend this to structural objects too.

And finally, another feature is a new addition to the structural precast concrete presets, a stairs element:

permalink:  261   posted on 14.09.2016 14:21
From Yorik
Commenting post 260: One needs to sleep a bit here and there...

permalink:  260   posted on 13.09.2016 23:37
From Rafa (bitacovir)
Commenting post 258: I do not understand how you can do so many things when in your photos always you are sleeping...

permalink:  259   posted on 12.09.2016 24:53
From mEon
Great Work, great software, good for the linux's engineers health

in categories  freecad  opensource  permalink:  258   posted on 11.09.2016 21:16
From Yorik

Bits of #FreeCAD

As I (more or less) decided last week, I'll try to post here more often about FreeCAD. There is not much new this week (at least from my part, other have been busy!), but nevertheless a couple of things are worth mentioning.

For who is new to this open-source thing, you must know that all the developement is open. You can check what is being done at any moment, all the discussion about anything going on is always public (you are very welcome to participate), and you can also get yourself a development version to try new things for yourself. There is also a bug tracker where you can report bugs, and also follow the resolution of a certain bug.

Development versions are built manually by kind community members from time to time, using the latest code, and can usually be installed side-by-side with stable versions of FreeCAD. So you can test, and if there are too many bugs (unusual, but it can happen), oyu can always get back to use the stable release. Since the development goes very fast, I really encourage you to try the latest development build available for your platform.

For the adventurous, of course, it is always possible to grab the source code and compile FreeCAD yourself. This allows you to use the latest features immediately. Compiling requires a bit of work on Windows and Mac, but on Linux it is pretty easy.

Among what I I have been doing this week, are a couple of bugfixes, and a couple of improvements in two specific areas:

IFC import

One of the msot interesting improvements is the ability to import 2D objects that are "attached" to 3D objects in IFC files. In IFC, each "building object" (that is, each descendent of the IfcProduct class, which is the "master" class of all specific building objects, like IfcWall or IfcBeam) can have a series of representations. The most commonly used representation type is the "body", which is the 3D representation of an object. But they can also have additional representations, such as "footprint" or "axis". The footprint representation is used, for example, by Revit to add door opening symbols:

FreeCAD cannow import these additional representations. At the moment, since we stil ldon't have a good way to do these door openings in FreeCAD, the imported footprint are added as separate 2D objects. But this gives us a couple of ideas and adding proper support for these opening symbols is on my todo list.

Another thing being worked on is to improve the transfer of IFC files between FreeCAD and Revit. Opening a file produced by one app on the other already works quite well, with the OpeningDesign folks we begin to get quite a bit of experience in that area. The main problem is to turn the objects exported by FreeCAD into usable data in Revit. Revit is very picky about what kind of data can be editable and become a family. It relies on a lot of features that don't exist (yet) in FreeCAD, such as common object types and material layers. This is a complex area, not very well documented, that you must explore step by step.

We are trying to document our findings in a public repository, don't hesitate to come and give us a hand.

Among the improvements to the IFC importer of FreeCAD I did this week, is a better rendering of extruded objects, and a better search for materials attached to an object (that can sometimes be buried under layers and layers of "material layer sets").

Arch object properties

I also went forward on extending the Arch (BIM) objects of FreeCAD with more properties useful for quantity retrieval. All Arch objects now have new Vertical Area and Horizontal Area properties that are calculated automatically when the shape of the object changes. Vertical Area is the sum of the areas of all the vertical faces of the object, which can be useful to calculate for example the area of concrete forms. In the case of walls, divinding that area by 2 gives you the vertical area of the wall as we usually need (because each "pane" of the wall has two faces, but we usually want only one side). This might seem clumsy, having to divide by 2, but calculating the vertical area this way is very solid. Any kind of crazy shape of wall, with no matter how many unconventional openings, will yield correct area values. I thought about dividing this value by 2 always, in case of walls, but that would make the walls behave differently than other Arch objects, which could induce errors too.

But there is still room for discussion of course. More than anything, it will need some testing.

The horizontal area is the area of the object when projected vertically onto the ground plane. So to get the area of form of a beam, you would simply add its vertical and horizontal areas.

Roof objects also have two additional properties, Ridge Length and Border Length. Border length is the sum of the lengths of all the border (or "open") edges of the roof, while ridge length is the sum of the lengths of the inner edges (ridges and hips). This will make it easy, when calculaying quantities, to know how much ridge cover element you need, or how much water drain.

Finally, I also added a new utility tool that simply shows/hides all the invisible subcomponents of an Arch object, such as openings. This makes it easy to select them, for example to move or modify them.

permalink:  257   posted on 08.09.2016 10:03
From Rafa (bitacovir)
Commenting post 256: It is amazing how this projects is being better and better each day.

in categories  freecad  opensource  permalink:  256   posted on 02.09.2016 20:34
From Yorik

Patreon and more #FreeCAD development news

Last week, encouraged by several comments on the FreeCAD forum, I decided to open an account on Patreon. Often people are asking how they could contribute to FreeCAD with money, and I thought: Why not? If I could get paid for a certain amount of hours, that's a certain amount of hours I could dedicate permanently to FreeCAD. At the moment I work on it when time permits, which can vary a lot.

The patreon campaign is starting well. Several people sponsored me already. So I thought a first thing I could do to give a form of "thank you" is to get back at posting more often about FreeCAD here.

So I'll start that today, by writing about what's going on with FreeCAD development. As I suppose everybody knows, The 0.16 version of FreeCAD has been out in april this year. Since then, many things have been done, and the next version will feature massive changes. Unfortunately I haven't got time to write much about it, but this is about to change!

Here are two things that are currently available in the 0.17 development version:

PartDesign Next

Probably the most sorely missed feature in FreeCAD is a way to work with Assemblies. Jürgen, the father of FreeCAD, started to work on assemblies a long time ago. However, he didn't have more time to work on that, and his work has been left half-done. In the meantime, we gained a workaround, the Assembly2 workbench,which can now be easily installed with our addons installer macro and for many FreeCAD users, has been doing the job perfectly.

Jürgen's assembly workbench, though, required some heavy changes to the FreeCAD core, and specially to the PartDesign workbench. This i sthe main reason why it stayed behind and was very hard to push forward to merge in to FreeCAD. A courageous team of developers, among which ickby, blobfish/tanderson, Fat-Zer, DeepSOIC, the new FreeCAD warriors, took on them to separate the core + PartDesign changes from the assembly itself. This took a very long time, but was finally done, and is the base of what we ended up calling PartDesignNext.

Along the way, more functionality was added too, inspired by another FreeCAD addon workbench, WorkFeature, like a series of helper objects that can be used as bases for sketches and other PartDesign operations. This also helps working around another long-time problem of FreeCAD, topological naming (for which there have actually been some impressive progressesrecently).

In this new PartDesign, Any PartDesign operation, such as creating new sketches, or creating solids out of them, now happens inside a body. A new body will be created if none is present in the document. You can have several PartDesign objects inside a same body. Inside the body, you can also add several helper planes or lines, which can be used to align or construct other parts. You can now also link edges from other objects inside a sketch.

This forum post explains it all.

The result of all this has now been merged, and is available in 0.17 development versions. The road is now clear to work on full assembly funcionality, and work has already started in that way. But the new PartDesign already opens up a lot of possibilities, and working with multi-solid objects is now really good.


For who is following the FreeCAD progresses since a long time, do you remember the work of Luke Parry on upgrading the Drawing workbench? Unfortunately Luke went on other projects and his work stayed where it was. A year later, Ian Rees started a funding experiment similar to this Patreon one, and worked further on it. Once again, the work was stopped because Ian went on to other things. Right after that, fortunately we got a new addon called Drawing Dimensioning which already pushed things a ot forward by bringing a series of on-drawing tools such as dimensions, symbols and annotations.

Finally this year, Wanderefan gave the final effort, and brought all this work to a mergeable state, and it is now included in version 0.17 under a new name, TechDraw. This is to not break the current Drawing workbench, which will still be useful until TechDraw is fully ready. TechDraw is basically th same as the Drawing workbench, but with a series of improvements such as the ability to move views graphically, place dimensions directly on the sheet, or fill areas with hatches.

More things are coming there too, like section tools.

There are also more big changes under the hood, such as the use of VTK, which will first be used with FEM but might prove useful for a qualtity of other areas.

But there is much more to come. FreeCAD is being ported to new verisons of Qt (Qt5) and Python (python3). Most of the work is done, and we might soon see that included. However each of these big changes brings a fair share of unstability, which is normal, and therefore requires some time between each merge for the dust to settle. So we will probably need some time before things have stabilized sufficiently to do a new release.

As I hope you can perceive, the development team has grown a lot, and things are going at higher speed now. Exciting times ahead!

in categories  freecad  opensource  permalink:  255   posted on 31.08.2016 4:09
From Yorik
New rewritten Arch Schedule tool in FreeCAD,

Check the full docs here.

permalink:  254   posted on 24.08.2016 13:27
From Yorik

permalink:  253   posted on 24.08.2016 1:15
From romanirk
Commenting post 252: can you upload file of this project for example

in categories  freecad  opensource  permalink:  252   posted on 20.08.2016 16:19
From Yorik
Plumbing desing in FreeCAD...

The whole functionality is now implemented, and is described here in detail.

in categories  works  3d  blender  permalink:  251   posted on 17.08.2016 23:30
From Yorik
Misc images for residential projects by Osmose architecture

in categories  works  detail  permalink:  250   posted on 17.08.2016 23:28
From Yorik
Installation drawings for a work of art in ceramics

in categories  works  detail  blender  3d  permalink:  249   posted on 17.08.2016 23:26
From Yorik
Another office transformation, with OpeningDesign

in categories  works  detail  permalink:  248   posted on 17.08.2016 23:24
From Yorik
Office rehab in the US, with OpeningDesign

in categories  blender  3d  works  permalink:  247   posted on 17.08.2016 23:16
From Yorik

Real estate development

Some images we've been doing for a real estate development project. You might be pleased (amazed? disgusted?) by the fact that this was made with the internal engine of Blender...

permalink:  246   posted on 17.08.2016 23:14
From Yorik
Commenting post 245: Amazing work!! I posted some comments directly on github...

permalink:  245   posted on 16.08.2016 10:21
From Riccardo
Good morning Yorik. I've just seen the presentation of post 204.
Related to Arch, I am developing a workbench of tools to quickly assemble frames made with "Structure" elements. At this point it's already usable to make studies of structures.
I would appreciate your opinion.
You can find it, with a tutorial, at github.com/oddtopus/flamingo.
Thank You

in categories  talks  permalink:  244   posted on 16.08.2016 1:19
From Yorik

permalink:  243   posted on 11.08.2016 16:13
From Ernest Lane
Commenting post 97: I use Draftsight on Linux Mint. To date, I have not had to produce a set of working drawings. I do not question the ability to do this with Draftsight based on nearly 40 years of producing construction drawings and very successful buildings.

permalink:  242   posted on 07.08.2016 24:23
From Yorik
Commenting post 240: Salut Gérard,
tu dois créer un fichier texte et copier dedans le code qui est indiqué... Puis rendre le fichier texte exécutable, puis ajouter la ligne indiquée dans le fichier .fluxbox/menu (ou un autre si tu utilises un autre fichier de menu)

in categories  sketches  permalink:  241   posted on 07.08.2016 24:19
From Yorik

Het bevroren vuur revisited

permalink:  240   posted on 04.08.2016 15:55
From Gérard
Commenting post 155: Salut Yorik,

Comment télécharger et installer le script pour avoir exactement Dynamic menu de Fluxbox tel que sur ta capture d’écran (en haut) sur Ubuntu 16.04_amd64?


permalink:  239   posted on 23.05.2016 20:01
From Ger
www.chromeexperiments.com/webgl here is a sample how this cool this is!

permalink:  238   posted on 23.05.2016 15:03
From Yorik
Commenting post 236: Nice, I wasn't aware ifc++ could do that... Too bad it doesn't do that on linux!

Yes, it would be a way, but nowadays I prefer to simply show renderings on the site, and share the 3D files themselves...

permalink:  237   posted on 23.05.2016 14:58
From Yorik
Commenting post 234: Hi Rikus,
This is not a very practical place to discuss this, can you post this on the FreeCAD forum ( http://forum.freecadweb.org ) instead? There is easier to share files and images, and there are more people to help too

permalink:  236   posted on 22.05.2016 13:14
From Ger
with ifcPlusPlus you can export ifc files as webGL file and show your projects in 3d, in the Browser! that is cool as 3d pdf. Isn´t it a way to show your projecs on yorik.uncreated?

permalink:  235   posted on 21.05.2016 17:23
From Smitha870
Commenting post 47: Id forever want to be update on new articles on this internet site, bookmarked ! . bdcaecebakkkedeg

permalink:  234   posted on 15.05.2016 15:31
From Rikus Cronje
HI Yorik.
I have been using Freecad for the last 2years for mechanical design and 3D printing.
I now have a need for modeling an old house I bought. I started using the Arch workbench, but I am having trouble placing windows accurately. I have gone through the tutorials and have watched your video, but I still cannot locate the windows accurately, and once placed I cannot move them.

I generally use the Parts Designed and Assembly pluging with the Sketcher, but sketcher does not seem to correctly work with the walls in Arch. Am I doing something wrong.

If I have a wall, say 3m high and 6m long. I want to place 3 windows, no 1, 780mm from the left edge. no 2 1.3m from the right edge of window 1 and so on.

How do I do that?

Thank you

Rikus Cronje.
(ps I am from South Africa)

permalink:  233   posted on 08.05.2016 16:23
From Nick!
GuestBlog? ...hahaha! Tum gaye kaam se guru! LOL

I might talk to you later...first let me see wht stuff u putted here


permalink:  232   posted on 07.05.2016 19:51
From Germany
Freecad question: When I change into - General Options / Units settimgs / Number of decimals from 5 to 1 - the thickness of standart walls change from 24km to 24m ! I think there is a Bug because the default settings from the arch options menue dont work.

in categories  talks  permalink:  231   posted on 03.05.2016 23:02
From Yorik

Open-source, BIM and FreeCAD at LGM2016

Here are the slides of my talk at LGM this year. Video will followo as soon as LGM people post it...


and the odp version:



in categories  architecture  projects  permalink:  230   posted on 03.05.2016 22:29
From Yorik

Unidade Básica de Saúde Riacho Fundo

Esse projeto foi pensado para contribuir com a nova política de humanização do SUS. Nessa visão, a Unidade básica de Saúde (UBS) é um local de acolhimento e aconselhamento, sendo muito mais um local onde se cuida do que onde se cura. Ela não possui nenhum tipo de serviço de pronto atendimento, não faz cirurgias, nem atendimentos ou exames complexos. Basicamente, destina-se a ser uma continuação do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF), onde os agentes de saúde do governo percorrem as moradias de uma área para auxiliar a população. Nesta UBS, a grande demanda são campanhas de vacinação, acompanhamento de gestantes e atendimento odontológico. Desse pressuposto, nasceu a ideia de um local que fosse mais como uma casa e menos como um hospital. Um lugar onde as pessoas ficassem à vontade e que também interagisse de outras formas com a comunidade, reforçando o caráter holístico da prevenção e também sua condição de direito e não de caridade. Um lugar para acolher e ser acolhido. Um lugar privilegiado de ensino e de aprendizagem, nunca um serviço menor.

This project was designed to contribute to the new humanization SUS policy. In this view, the Basic Health Unit (UBS) is a place of welcome and advice. It is much more a place to take care of than a place to heal. It does not have any kind of first aid service, surgeries or complex tests. Basically, it intended to be a continuation of the Family Health Program (PSF), where government health agents visit the houses in a specific area to assist the population. In this UBS, the great demand are vaccination campaigns, monitoring of pregnant women and dental care. From this assumption, the idea of ​​a place that works more like a home and less a hospital was born. A place where people stay at ease and that is able to interact in other ways with the community, strengthening the holistic character of prevention and also its status of a people's right instead of charity. A place to welcome and to be welcomed. A privileged place for teaching and learning, never a minor service.

Maximizando recursos: Promovendo saúde com áreas verdes

Maximizing resources: Potentializing health with green areas

A implantação do projeto resulta da adequação ao terreno e propõe uma edificação longilínea e térrea e integrada com um parque que recobre toda a área restante, visando sustentabilidade, menor impacto ambiental e custo. A arquitetura é intencionalmente simples e eficiente, deixando o protagonismo aos usuários, à natureza e à comunidade do entorno.

The project implantation results from the adequate use of the terrain and proposes a long one-floor building integrated with a park that covers all the remaining area, giving sustainability, smaller ecological footprint and cost. The architecture is intentionally simple and efficient, leaving the stage to users, nature and community.

A extrapolação, pelo parque, dos limites físicos construídos é a resposta arquitetônica ao uso da UBS como um espaço de promoção de saúde e bem-estar e não apenas um espaço de cura. O espaço verde aqui proposto é uma extensão da atenção integral à saúde, proporcionando uma recepção e espera mais acolhedoras e diversificadas.

The overflow, by the park, of the physical limits of the building is the architectural translation of the UBS as a health and well-being promotion tool, not only as a place for cure. The green space is an extension of the concept of integral attention to health, and gives a much broader sense to the welcome and reception space.

O parque permeia as áreas de espera e leva pequenos jardins para dentro da edificação, fazendo uma gradação entre as esperas internas e protegidas até a total imersão na natureza. Ele melhora toda a ambiência dos serviços prestados e funciona como um refúgio democrático de encontro e integração entre todos seus usuários, sejam eles profissionais, pacientes e acompanhantes ou pessoas oriundas da comunidade.

A diluição das esperas no parque resulta no término das filas. O espaço é fluido e orgânico, um espaço para permanecer e não apenas de esperar, uma ode ao bem-estar.

The park permeates the waiting areas and brings small gardens inside the building, creating a gradient between protected interior waiting up to total immersion in nature. It betters all the atmosphere around the care services and works as a democratic encounter and integration zone for all its users, being professionals, patients and relatives, or people from the neighbourhood.

The dilution of waiting areas into the park means the end of queues. The space is fluid and organic, a place to stay and not only a place to wait, an ode to well-being.

O paisagismo do parque não é apenas estético, mas sim utilitário. Ele é um membro ativo e indispensável do projeto. Concebido apenas com espécies nativas e disponíveis no local, ele ajuda a transformar o microclima do terreno e do entorno, tornando as temperaturas mais amenas e também contribuindo para melhorar a qualidade do ar.

A opção de um paisagismo com utilização de espécies nativas e majoritariamente arbóreas como ipê, jatobá, angelim, sucupira ou similares diminui o custo de implementação e gera uma manutenção mínima; tanto no parque como nos estacionamentos.

The landscape design of the park is not only visual, but also functional. It is an active and indispensable member of the project. Conceived only with native species available at the site, it helps to transform the microclimate of the terrain and around, lowering temperatures and contributing to a better air quality.

The choice of a landscape design that uses local and long-lasting species like ipê, jatobá, angelim, sucupira or similar lowers implementation costs and maintenance needs, in the park as well as in the parking spaces.

Ciente de que a vegetação possui seu próprio tempo de crescimento para fornecer a transformação de clima almejada, é proposto um estado intermediário de projeto onde os locais futuramente sombreados são permeados com guarda-sóis metálicos fixos.

Estes, permanecerão como coadjuvantes do espaço até o momento em que as árvores atinjam uma altura suficiente para que o parque funcione e então serão removidos. O parque adentra as áreas de recepção e espera, sendo estas previstas para permanecerem abertas durante o funcionamento da unidade.

Because the vegetation needs its own growing time before it can provide the aimed climatic transformation, an intermediary state is proposed, where fixed metallic parasols are spread along the areas to be shadowed by trees in the future.

These will act as space co-actors until the moment when the trees gain sufficient size for the park to work as designed, and will then be removed. The park permeates the waiting and reception areas, which are made to remain widely open during the working hours of the UBS.

Apesar de existirem alguns bancos fixos construídos em conjunto com os canteiros internos, é prevista a utilização de cadeiras móveis.

As cadeiras utilizadas podem ser arranjadas de diferentes maneiras dentro do espaço e mesmo serem levadas para o exterior proporcionando uma maior autonomia e descontração. Para o fechamento noturno ou eventual quebra-ventos são previstos painéis metálicos perfurados e portões nos corredores.

Apesar da espera dos pacientes comportar o tamanho exigido dentro de sua área coberta, ela se espalha pelo parque, tendo sua concentração dispersada pela diminuição de assentos conforme se distancia da edificação, tornando mais fácil o rápido acesso aos consultórios.

Although fixed seating is provided around the internal gardens, the main idea is to use mobile chairs.

The chairs can be arranged in different ways inside the waiting spaces or even be carried outside, giving more autonomy and relaxing to users. When the UBS is closed at night or in case of strong winds, perforated metallic panels can partially or totally close the open spaces.

Although the waiting space has the necessary size under the covered area, it spreads out in the park, with decreasing seating density, making more direct and natural the relationship with the consultancy areas.

Devido à natureza aberta dos edifícios, à utilização de ventilação cruzada e à imersão do edifício no parque, o uso de ar-condicionado central é dispensado. O aproveitamento de luz e ventilação naturais é aumentado pelos corredores e áreas de espera abertos.

A ventilação cruzada de várias maneiras: a cobertura é elevada em relação às lajes de fechamento, as janelas são voltadas para corredores abertos e ligados diretamente às áreas de espera perpendiculares aos ventos dominantes.

A cobertura de telhas metálicas avança para fora dos limites das paredes para evitar a insolação direta nas janelas e preservar a temperatura interior. A distribuição das esquadrias de alumínio com 1, 2 ou 3 módulos geram variações de fachada e garantem a plena ventilação.

A estrutura simples permite a adoção de várias soluções: concreto armado moldado in loco, pré-moldado ou alvenaria estrutural, sem mudanças no projeto.

The open nature of the building, the use of cross-ventilation and the immersion in the park turn air-conditioning unnecessary. Natural light and natural ventilation gains are maximised by the large corridors and the open waiting spaces.

The cross-ventilation is done in several ways: the roof is elevated above the ceiling slabs, windows are opened on the corridors and directly linked to the open areas, which are perpendicular to dominant winds.

The metallic roof extends out of the walls lines to impeach direct sun casting on the windows and preserve interior temperature. The distribution of aluminium window frames with 1, 2 or 3 modules give variation to the facades and allow full ventilation.

The simple structure allows to adopt many building solutions: precast concrete, in-loco concrete, or simple concrete blocks masonry, without impact on the project.

A chegada à Unidade Básica de Saúde se dá por um acesso pedestre voltado ao estacionamento público, um acesso pedestre que liga o parque à praça e uma entrada compartilhada entre pedestres e carros. Em toda a extensão do parque o carro é tolerado, sendo o pedestre o usuário principal.

A sua utilização por todas as pessoas permite mesmo a modificação da relação paciente/profissional de saúde, possibilitando encontros e ensinamentos ao ar livre entre estes, ou mesmo entre os próprios profissionais.

The arrival to the UBS is done by a pedestrian access through the public parking space, which forms a pedestrian link from the street to the park and a shared entrance between pedestrians and cars. In the whole entrance space, the car is tolerated, but the main user is the pedestrian.

Its use by everybody opens possibilities of evolution of the patient/doctor relationship, allows encounters and open-air teaching and learning between them, or even among the workers of the UBS.

O aproveitamento do espaço exterior também possibilita a inclusão de uma abordagem holística da promoção da saúde, com o uso de parquinhos infantis e equipamentos para exercícios físicos, ou mesmo espaços que podem ser compartilhados com a comunidade para aulas de ioga, alongamento ou tai chi chuan por exemplo.

O auditório se abre para um pequeno anfiteatro e pode aumentar sua área se unindo com a sala lateral, o que permite sua utilização por um público maior e mesmo pelos moradores das redondezas.

The intense use of the exterior space also makes possible a more holistic approach of health care, with the use of child parks, physical exercise equipment, or space that can be shared by the local community for activities like yoga, stretching or tai-chi-chuan.

The auditorium opens to a small exterior amphitheatre, and can have its size widened by uniting with the lateral room, which makes it usable by a bigger audience and by the local community.

Finalmente, transformar um edifício público em um espaço verde e comunitário contribui para que o projeto transcenda os limites físicos de seu terreno, melhorando a qualidade de vida de todo o entorno quer seja no âmbito social, ecológico ou mesmo de segurança. Os benefícios urbanos e ecológicos promovidos por ele se estendem mesmo aos moradores que não são seus usuários diretos e valorizam a região como um todo, resultando numa maximização dos recursos públicos investidos.

Finally, turning a public building into a green community space contributes to make the project transcend the physical limits of its terrain, bettering the quality of life of all its surroundings, in the social, ecological or even security spheres. The urban and ecological benefits brought by it extend to everybody, even to people who live nearby and are not direct users of the UBS, and raise the quality of the whole region, a maximisation of the invested public money.

Pranchas originais do concurso:

Original sheets of the competition:

Este projeto é de código aberto. Os arquivos estão disponíveis no nosso github.

This project is open-source. Files are available on our github.

permalink:  229   posted on 01.05.2016 15:42
From Yorik
Sorry people for the lack of response here lately... Will try to catch up ASAP

permalink:  228   posted on 24.04.2016 21:21
From Frederik Borup Danielsson
Hi Yorik
Thanks for nice and useful site. Love it!
Sketchup vs FreeCAD.

I am seeking a 2D/3D drawing program primary for architectural work, as a hobbyist but a serious kind! I am willing to invest some time in learning the program. I am very much in to Open Source programs and run Arch linux or debian linux as default OS. I want a program that uses the “right” standardized formats. I want to be able to make very good blueprint for renovation of my house and at the same time at program that can be used for making drawings for smaller projects in my woodworking shop. I am not sure that all these function can be found in one program. But which one comes the closest ? Sketchup or FreeCAD or a third program. I thought about FreeCAD with the Arch Workbench and then using Blender for rendering. But Sketchup looks straight forward and easy to use. The documentation and tutorial video for Sketchup I huge but my main concern with Sketchup is the printing and exporting function!

Please - input and and thoughts

Best reg. Frederik

permalink:  227   posted on 21.04.2016 20:34
From emilyjane
Nice work! Maybe someone looking for 3d render service for architects and designers. I found good one - archicgi.com.

permalink:  226   posted on 20.04.2016 7:34
From mparajes
Hi Yorik,
we are stone supplier from China, im in charge of using Freecad to map the objects different dimensions to spreadsheet , is there a way to know the different properties of an object aside from the list in properties view? Do you have a plugin for mapping objext to spreadsheet? thanks and more power.
Our company is also interested working with architects. I have send an email to your gmail acct detailing our company interest.
thanks so much!

permalink:  225   posted on 20.04.2016 4:28
From Rafael
I saw the release of FreeCAD 0.16

permalink:  224   posted on 19.04.2016 4:58
From Rafael
I saw the release of FreeCAD 0.16

permalink:  223   posted on 18.04.2016 22:58
From Jean Thilmany
Whoops, XXXX@gmail.com

permalink:  222   posted on 18.04.2016 22:57
From Jean Thilmany
Hello Juergen:

This is Jean Thilmany, an editor at Design World Magazine here in the United States. I'm writing an article for the magazine about the development of open-source 3D CAD. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about FreeCAD.

Namely, how you came to be involved in the project?

What you do as a developer?

Why are there so few 3D open-source CAD applications?

Why are there no parametric 3D open source CAD applications do you think?

What's the importance of open source software?

How does open-source help users and developers?

What do you use FreeCAD for?

Why do you like it?

As I think you're in Brazil, I wonder if you could (if you wish to) answer these by email within the next few weeks, before the end of April?

Thank you so very much and please ask me any questions you might have.


permalink:  221   posted on 17.04.2016 11:10
From Jean-Paul
Commenting post 314: The link to freecad at the end points to a freecad.org which is for sale, maybe it shouldl point to freecadweb.org

permalink:  220   posted on 03.04.2016 6:46
From Boumerzoug.A
Commenting post 180: really helpful thanks a lot (y)

permalink:  219   posted on 31.03.2016 15:58
From Germany
here is a sample how it works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEst25rNFFQ.

permalink:  218   posted on 31.03.2016 12:43
From Germany
But notice: it only works with solid Groups/ one layer/ not smoth Faces/ and not hidden edges

permalink:  217   posted on 31.03.2016 12:36
From Germany
on http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugins_list_az.php you can find an IGES export plugin

permalink:  216   posted on 24.03.2016 12:57
From Gary Granai
Commenting post 180: Sketchup To FreeCad
I am trying to build a small house in FreeCad by transferring from Sketchup to FreeCad.
I create a file in sketchup and import that to FreeCad and open it in the Arch workbench.
I see a gray shape of the building. There are no windows or doors visible. In the wire frame mode one can see that they are there.
The architectural tutorial says,
“The Arch Workbench is very mesh-friendly. You can easily design an architectural model in a mesh-based application such as Blender or SketchUp and import it in FreeCAD. If you took care of the quality of your model and its objects are non-manifold solid shapes, turning them into architectural objects only requires the press of a button.”
Your tutorial is too complex for me to follow. I am fairly proficient in Sketchup. I am totally new to CAD.
Can you provide me a very basic step by step procedure that I can follow to make the imported file an architectural model? Somewhat on the level of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uip5OTKMpdM
Thank you for the time.
Gary Granai

in categories  works  3d  blender  permalink:  215   posted on 21.03.2016 20:02
From Yorik

Mixed-use project renderings

Renderings for a project by Osmose Architecture.

in categories  works  detail  permalink:  214   posted on 21.03.2016 19:51
From Yorik

Low-income residential project

Construction documents for another low-income residential project by AKF Arquitetura.

in categories  works  blender  3d  permalink:  213   posted on 21.03.2016 19:49
From Yorik

Interior renderings

A series of interior renderings for a project by Osmose Architecture.

in categories  works  detail  permalink:  212   posted on 21.03.2016 19:45
From Yorik

Low-income residencial project

Construction documents of a low-income residential project in Brazil - Project by AKF arquitetura.

in categories  works  blender  3d  permalink:  211   posted on 21.03.2016 19:32
From Yorik

Exterior residence images

A series of exterior renderings for a residential project by Osmose Architecture.

permalink:  210   posted on 28.02.2016 21:03
From Yorik
Commenting post 209: Hi,
The arch ticks are in 0.16 already. Hatches are more or less working too, butstill need to be extended and made exportable to DXF...

permalink:  209   posted on 28.02.2016 18:58
From Viktor
Hi Yorik,

(1) is it possible to create a new arrow type for dimensions? Now you can choose circles and dots, but I have to use a type which I think is called architectural tick or oblique in autocad or draftsight. And how about hatches, are they in to do list? Those mentioned are obstacles for me to use FreeCad in my production workflow. I still use Blender (for modelling) and draftsight (for drawing), would be glad to replace draftsight by FreeCad sometimes.

(2) Are you going to do a tutorial how to program a simple script/part for/of FreeCad? Something like you did for Blender in past. E.g. how to make a new arrow type .

Thx for your blog and FreeCad development,
greatings from Europe

permalink:  208   posted on 26.02.2016 16:03
From Yorik
Commenting post 207: Ah you are right... Newbie mistake

permalink:  207   posted on 26.02.2016 11:48
From Rafael (bitacovir)
Commenting post 204: hi. Very nice your video. Thanks for sharing. Just one commnet: the black color for the GUI, I think it is not the best for a presentation.

permalink:  206   posted on 26.02.2016 1:42
From Renato Rebelo
parabéns pela apresentação, espero que ajude a trazer mais pessoas para a comunidade FreeCAD.

permalink:  205   posted on 25.02.2016 22:16
From John Egan
Hi Yorik,

Hope all is well with you. I had a great chat with Ryan Shultz yesterday and he mentioned that he was working with you and the freecad team on some stuff. I must admit that I have followed freecad for quite some time and even downloaded it to give it a go to see how effective it was for BIM authoring. I used to be a heavy user of BIM/computational design tools and I was just interested to see how it compared to the mainstream ones. I couldnt work it out but now I see that you have a new video out on how to use the Arch WB, it should make it easier for people to learn.

I am currently working on a project jenca.org which is an opensource scalable application platform for BiM. We are using kubernetes to maximise efficiency of running apps, providing a scalable and robust platform for developers to deploy their apps on. We aim to provide a place where cloud first BIM apps can be accessed by users simply through the Jenca GUI and users can spin up apps on demand as and when they need them.

We will provide a hosted service for users to develop projects on too and we will use a combination of plugins and IFC as an exchange method in and out of the jenca DAtabases.

I am really interested in seeing how we could work together as there seems to be alot of synergy between our projects. I think it would be really excited to offer a fully opensource BIM software pipeline and make it simple and accessible to users.

It would be really good to do a hangouts someday soon if you are interested in chatting more about this. If even, just to find out a bit more about what your plans are for freeCAD.

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,


in categories  freecad  talks  opensource  permalink:  204   posted on 24.02.2016 23:11
From Yorik

FreeCAD Arch Workbench presentation

A video presentation of the Arch workbench of FreeCAD that I did last week at ODC2016PN

permalink:  203   posted on 22.02.2016 14:58
From Antonio Cuevas
Commenting post 97: Good job !!!!!

permalink:  199   posted on 11.02.2016 15:59
From Aditya
yes, i tried it
it wont boot it in recovery,
the volup key combo used to open something that has memory tests and "reset factory option"

permalink:  198   posted on 10.02.2016 17:50
From Yorik
Commenting post 197: Have you tried booting it in fastboot mode? (Usually you have to press a combination of buttons on the phone). Then you could try pushing a new kernel on your phone...

permalink:  197   posted on 10.02.2016 17:25
From Aditya
Commenting post 15: Hey,i bricked my phone
now it wont start,not even recovery mode
it just shows intex logo, cant reach firefox logo
since it wont start, even in recovery,i cant acces it via adb or fastboot
what to do...
Pleaseee help...
my phone is intex cloud fx

permalink:  195   posted on 08.02.2016 1:07
From Karol
Thank you for such a quick response. The forum post was very informative. I'll have to plan how to make this happen. I hope to speak to you again in the future.

permalink:  194   posted on 07.02.2016 15:28
From Yorik
Commenting post 193: Hi,
Of course! FreeCAD is open source, everybody is welcome to join and work on it, and there are plenty of ways to help and to get to know how to work and code with FreeCAD. Have a look at the forum at http://forum.freecadweb.org that is where all the discussion happens. Check this post first for example: http://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2612 and also http://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/?title=Help_FreeCAD

permalink:  193   posted on 07.02.2016 12:11
From Karol
Commenting post 96: Hi. This is very interesting topic. I've been using Revit extensively for over a year, mainly in its Family Editor. It left me dissapointed in a lot of areas, but it offers a lot of good ideas. I've started full computer science degree last September. I've been in construction industry for 10 years, but had small episode with programming prior to that (first year of Automation and Robotics). Do you think I could contribute to the project? My programming is at early stages, but I am coping very well with it. Unfortunately it's VB at the moment (Access to HE due to big gap in education).

I'm looking forward to hear from you.

permalink:  191   posted on 04.02.2016 15:45
From JC van Assche
Commenting post 5: HI, very interesting blog ! I found it while looking for a DXF thumbnailer, and I learned usful thigngs as well. Thanks !

permalink:  190   posted on 04.02.2016 14:25
From William
Commenting post 40: Hi Yorik. This is excellent. Only found this now. Have you developed this further?


William - william@bimservices.co.za

permalink:  189   posted on 27.01.2016 17:30
From Warcos
Commenting post 120: excelente trabajo, igualmente uso Blender para la repersentacion de muchos de mis trabajos...

permalink:  188   posted on 20.01.2016 17:14
From Yorik
Commenting post 182: Creo que el LG no es muy fácil de desbloquear infelizmente... Se vendió aquí en Brasil (no más ahora), dejé de comprarlo porque no me logró encontrar una ROM desbloqueada. Por lo que vi todavía está así...

permalink:  187   posted on 20.01.2016 17:12
From Yorik
Commenting post 179: It's pretty simple.. Create a rectangle, assing an image to it (make sure the rectangle has the same proportions as the image), then start drawing on top of it!

permalink:  182   posted on 20.01.2016 1:37
From Nicolas Cal
Commenting post 15: Muy bueno, aunque no estoy preparado para hacer lo explicado, entiendo de que se trata, pero tengo un LG-D300G, que tiene la sim bloqueada, es de procedencia fiable, ya que lo compró un familiar que falleció.

permalink:  179   posted on 16.01.2016 4:59
From Big Dog
Commenting post 184: ok so how do I do it?

permalink:  178   posted on 15.01.2016 16:09
From Yorik
Commenting post 177: You just need to select the page, then File -> Export -> Autodesk DXF. Please use the FreeCAD forum at http://forum.freecadweb.org for that kind of questions, you'll get much better and faster answers. Thanks!

permalink:  177   posted on 14.01.2016 19:22
From alex
Commenting post 125: i am using freecad 0.15 rev 4671 on win7 64.
google brought me here. i'm desperately trying to export to dxf the projections made on a template page just as you seem to be doing here. Only i can get SVG file, not a DXF file. What am i missing ? can you be more specific please ?

permalink:  176   posted on 11.01.2016 5:42
From Dushyant Basson
Commenting post 170: Good, useful article Yorik!! Congratulations!

permalink:  175   posted on 08.01.2016 16:51
From Yorik
The textures are embedded in the .nga files on http://yorik.uncreated.net/archive/ngplants , just click the title of each plant. When opening it with ngplant, you will be asked where to uncompress the textures. I will add that info to the greenhouse page...

permalink:  174   posted on 08.01.2016 14:01
From e.perinelli
Hello Yorik,

i'm creating a few VR rooms, and i found the Greenhouse Blender Project

i like the models but cannot find the model textures, only the final renders in the page, can you help me?

my email realtimenospameperinelli.com

permalink:  172   posted on 07.01.2016 14:47
From Eva Higueras
Great article Yorik!
I love archviz, and although I have no architecture degree, I keep learning form different online sources to improve my design skills, and to create personal projects.
Thank you!

permalink:  171   posted on 07.01.2016 13:31
From Renato Rebelo
nice text.
I agree with just about everything.
Renato Rebelo

in categories  architecture  opensource  permalink:  170   posted on 06.01.2016 21:52
From Yorik

How to learn architecture

I've heard a couple of people asking this recently, and I like the idea of trying to learn architecture outside of the conventional way, so here are a couple of ideas. This is all just personal opinion, okay? I'm also illustrating this article with works of mine, in no particular order or meaning, just to make the text more digestible (please forgive the self-promotion).

Foreword : Architecture vs ArchViz

Most people who told the above question come from the 3D modelling realm (Blender mostly), and many don't make a distinction between Architecture and Architecture Visualization (ArchViz). Although this might horrify many architects, I actually think it makes some sense. Traditionally, architecture would be the design of the building, while archviz would be only the modelling + rendering of an architecture project that was already designed (by someone else in most cases). Many architects think the second part is not architecture but just something you pay someone to do, to sell your project better.

However, what many architects do is basically take pieces of other projects, and make something new from those pieces. This is not necessarily bad practice, after all, any artistic creation is a collage of ideas gathered somewhere else. But in what regard is this fundamentally different than archviz (taking someone else's project, and do something new - images, models - with it)? And also, if an architect designs a building "in his head", so to speak, then there is someone else who, by doing the archviz, gives form to that building, who actually did the real architecture work? This is far from obvious. Even if the first architect actually produced some drawings, wouldn't the fact that the project still needs an archviz job indicate that it is, in fact, not complete? And how important is that last part?

Besides, the traditional way of representing architecture, with line drawings, is probably doomed to oblivion soon. It only existed while we had no better way. But most people will understand your project better with 3D (real-time or rendering), and the other side, where construction people must understand your project technically (how to build it), that still needs technical drawings for now, might change soon too. Most other engineering specialities already model more for machines to read than for humans. Only a fool would believe this won't happen with construction too...

Finally, if you have good modeling and rendering skills, there is no denying that it is extremely useful, if not fundamental, for your architecture work. For example when you decide materials, lighting, ambiances, etc. Not to talk about the obvious relationship between your capacity at 3D modeling and your capacity to give form to your ideas. In some projects where these things are very important, it is not rare that the person who does the archviz is in fact who did most of the project...

The famous Blender guru Andrew Price understood this pretty well with his Architecture Academy. It is an online course to teach you architecture and archviz at the same time, as one unified thing. I find that approach clever and brilliant. I encourage you to abandon that separation too, and consider the act of modeling and rendering your architecture work as fundamental as the rest. Next generations of architects will probably find it silly to think otherwise.


First thing is about "formal" architecture education (means: go to the university/arch school and get a degree): The truth is that it absolutely not indispensable to learn architecture. Most of the things you learn there can be found in books and online (although it requires more effort than having it fed to you in a class), and the most important part, which is how to make good architectural projects, they don't teach you at all (you end up learning by doing, which you can do by yourself too).

The important part that you get when doing the university course, is the diploma. In almost any country, the practice of architecture is restricted. To build something, the owner of the future building must ask permission to local authority (usually the city council). This permission can only be requested or signed by the holder of an architecture or engineering degree. This means that without a degree, you won't be able to legally build your own projects. There are some workarounds of course, the most common being to work with someone else who has such a degree and will sign for you (in an architecture office you need only one person able to sign). I know a lot of people who do architecture projects and have no formal degree.

There is also a whole part of architecture that is mostly hidden in arch schools, and that will interest you specially if you come from the 3D modelling world: Your capacity to understand and develop good architecture, today, is deeply bound to your capacity to do 3D. Most architects still don't understand that, and most schools will still teach you the old ways (working mainly with 2D drawings like plans and sections). 3D is commonly regarded as "just an accessory tool to do nice images". Most architects won't do 3D themselves, but have a "3D boy" in the office who does it for them. And modern software tools like Revit actually encourage them to keep thinking that way, by telling them "keep working in 2D like before, the software will do the 3D automatically". Of course, nothing could be more wrong.

Formal learning

Just so you know about it, here goes an overview of the most important stuff you learn at arch school:

History of architecture: This seems boring, but it is actually pretty important. Everything you build, or will build, will become part of an existing world where other people have already tried other things before you, and where probably most of your brilliant ideas have already been tested somewhere. It is very important that you understand those things, why people have been doing things a certain way, and, even more important, that you don't repeat the same mistakes. In most arch schools, they will only teach you local history (European schools will teach only European architecture, Latin American schools only Latin American architecture, etc). I know, it's stupid, but that's the way they do...

Structural engineering: This is basically how to project buildings that won't collapse. How thick must be a brick wall, where do you need beams and columns, should they be in concrete or steel, what size should they have, what thickness must have a concrete slab, how much iron you need in it, etc. You must think this must be the most important course of the whole arch school, right? Wrong. In the past, architects needed to know these things to survive. Today, however, it is very rare to see a building project where you won't have a structural engineer with you, who will calculate all those things. As a result, architects have become very weak in that area. The stuff you learn at school is usually boring and insufficient, and given the situation above, you will hardly learn anything more after that. This is a deficiency we must fight at all costs.

Sketching: This is also very important. Although you hardly need to draw architecture projects by hand these days, your hand is still by far the quickest way to connect your brain to a visible result. It is so fast that your hand can draw things that your conscient self did not realize yet. When you are trying to get ideas, you often find yourself sketching things out, without really knowing what you are doing (like when you are in a boring phone conversation). In other words, you are "trying things". It is when you look at what you drew, that you begin to get ideas. Every artist will tell you that. It is a very fundamental point of architectural design. But this does not come for free, it requires a LOT of training. One thing I can guarantee you, no matter how bad you are at drawing, everybody can learn and become good, it just requires practice. Interesting afterthought: see Bob's article about sketching.

Architecture criticism: The term criticism, here, means: being able to look at existing architecture and other projects, and develop an opinion about it. In architecture, you should never (okay, rarely) say "I like this" or "I don't like this", or "this is beautiful"/"this is ugly". Because it is sterile. What if you say "I like this" and I say "I don't like it"? Which one of us is right? We can't tell, and therefore there is no point in discussing any further. Rather, you must train to look at architecture and detect WHAT you found good and what you found bad. Then we can discuss and learn something (we will remember it if we meet the same issue later in one of our projects). This is a very important point to understand in order to learn the unlearnable, which is how to do good projects. More on this below. Of course, the most important area where you must apply criticism, is to your own projects. And preferentially allow others to criticize your work as much as possible. Your best lessons will be there.

Doing architectural projects: Actually, they don't teach you that. On first day they give you a blank sheet of paper, and say: "Do a project now". Then you try, and then you'll try again many, many more times. That's basically how you learn. Of course, there are thousands of tricks you can learn on the way (what is a good size for a sleeping room, what is a good way to distribute apartments in a building, etc), but there are easy resources to learn that (more below). The thing is, you will never learn it all (the first time you'll need to do a hospital, there will be an awful lot you don't know, no matter how much you learned before), and, more basically, knowing all that is simply not enough. You might be able to design a house where all the rooms have the right sizes. You might even know everything there is to know about architecture, and do a perfect house, with perfect lighting, no defects, minimal energy consumption, etc. Even so this might be a plain, boring, uninteresting house. How to do good architecture projects is one of the most difficult, and unlearnable things in the world.

Lots of seemingly-important-but-actually-not-so-much stuff: Urban design (rather obsolete, usually, this is an area that is changing a lot), ecostuff and landscape design (you'll need to learn it all over again with each new project), ethics and other "good behaviors" (WTF), laws and regulations (unlearn everything as much as possible and relearn on case-by-case later, keep updating constantly), thermal and energy design (what you learn will already be obsolete when you're out of school), electricity, hydraulics and other building technologies (same thing), software (to turn you into a good Autodesk slave), economy (WTF v2)

Representation: Someone will have to pay for the building, right? You better be good at convincing people that your project is worth the money. Not only show how cool it is, but also make sure the owner gets what he/she wants, and show that it can be built for the price you pretend it will. They teach you a lot of stuff in that regard, of dubious importance. Suffices to say, one way or another, you will need to learn to show your work, and to show how to build it. Rather than learning a dozen of obsolete drawing conventions, in my opinion, one should constantly reflect on that during one's life, and constantly update to the best way to achieve these goals. Being it with drawings, images, models, computer 3D, or anything better that the future will bring.

At the end, they give you the degree. That's the really good thing. Keep in mind that these degrees are rarely valid internationally (except between European countries and a couple of other cases), if you migrate to another country, expect lots of headache and bureaucracy to be able to practice there...

What you don't learn at school

This could be a huge chapter, but let's do it short. When you are fresh out of school, you know almost nothing. I had heard older architects say it takes you about 10 years of practice to become a reasonable architect (it's been 20 years and I have seen no sign of it yet). Basically most of the useful stuff you'll learn out of school, by doing. The first thing they give you to do in your first job, you have absolutely no idea of how to do it. "Turn this sketch into a construction plan, before tomorrow!" for example. You don't even know what a construction plan is. So you ask your new colleagues what it is you must do and how to do it, they will give you another one as an example and tell you to do the same, and that's how you'll learn most of the job. I've seen people with no architectural background at all being hired as interns in architecture offices, and managing it as well or better than architects fresh out of schools.

You need to learn all the complex world of how to build things. What is needed to do in order to have a built house ready? How long does it take? How much does it cost? What are the different alternatives to build a certain thing? How do they compare? Plus, all this changes completely every 10 years, so you must update your knowledge constantly. This might sound frightening when said like that, but it is actually not different than most other jobs, if you want to do it well.

There is no real reason why the above should scare you, if you put your hands into architecture, and you succeed in steering towards it for good, it will come naturally, step by step. You only need to keep open to it and swallow as much information as you can, specially coming from people who know how to build (masons and other people from the worksite). What they have to tell you is precious.

So what should you learn

The most fundamental thing you need to do as an architect is to do meaningful work. When you build a building, you are changing the built world, and you are spending an awful lot of, in safest cases, someone else's money, or, in most serious cases, public money. People will have their life changed because of what you did. You might kill people (construction workers, because you designed something which turned out to be difficult and dangerous to build, but also people who will suffer just a little bit everyday, because of something you did, and who might die of it one day, people depressed by their contemporary city life, for who your bad building might be just the drop too much, etc). But you can also make people happy. Not only people who will use your building, but maybe everybody in that city might be just a little happier (think of a new park for example, or a cool new theatre). A good project is a mix of several things that are hard to define and that you won't find anyone who can teach you at once. You need to learn that yourself from scratch. It will take your whole life.

As painters have color as their tool, musicians have sound, architects have space. Architecture is basically the design of space. This is a very large concept. It is not only interior spaces, like rooms, halls, etc. but also more generally, any place where you can find yourself as a human being. The facade of your building shapes the portion of the city in front of it, visually, of course, but also socially (will people go in and out there? Will it be an empty place or full of people?), even physically (Will it project shadow on the sidewalk? Protect from the rain?). Architecture is not about designing beautiful stuff (same as above, what if you find it beautiful and I don't? Who is right?). Everything we call beautiful, ornamental, is actually part of shaping a space. Giving it meaning. Saying something with it. All of the learning above (history, structural design, sketching, etc) only serves that purpose: help you to design better spaces.

And finally, there is one big issue that becomes everyday more critical. The world is becoming everyday more unequal. A small minority of rich people is swallowing (and in many cases destroying) almost all of the resources of the Earth, leaving almost nothing to half the people of the planet. Architects have massively taken side with the rich part, are working for them (poor people are thought to have no money for a building), and contribute to maintain the situation as it is by creating secluded spaces where only some are allowed. To the vast majority of the people of this planet, what most architects do is meaningless and doesn't make the world better. How can we change that, make architecture a tool for social changes, instead of something that helps inequity to prosper, for me this is the most important question of all. I haven't found a clear answer to this yet.

These are all very difficult things to learn of course. I'll give some ideas and resources below, but remember that none of them will directly teach you anything of the above paragraphs. Rather, you should consider that your true skill at architecture builds upon the pieces you gather here and there, so you'd better start at gathering.

There is one more thing: you need to train a lot. Your tools, and your capacity to get ideas, to test your ideas, and to turn your ideas into feasible, concrete, practical constructions. This needs constant effort and practice, a bit like a monk needs to pray every day. Hand drawing is very important for the reasons above, but I also think 3D modeling and the understanding of 3D space that comes with it is also fundamental, although often disregarded by architects. That places people who are good 3D modelers as excellent candidates to do architecture. Fortunately, that's an easy part, as there are abundant learning resources, even if not fully tailored for architecture.


I'm going to divide stuff into categories. It's mostly stuff that I find good or important, or that helped me a lot. Be aware that this is by no means complete, I'm pretty new at that game, but I'll keep looking and updating this section. If you know a good resource that is not listed below, please drop a comment!



Le Corbusier: Toward an architecture: This is a very fundamental book written by the famous modernist architect Le Corbusier. In my opinion, it tells you more about how one can situate oneself in relation to the history than a whole history of architecture course. You should certainly not embrace or follow blindly what's in that book, specially because it was written in 1920 something, and things have changed since then, but what is written in this book is still extremely meaningful, and has revolutionized architecture.

Architect's Data (more simply known as "the Neufert"): This is the holy bible of architects, that everybody has on his desk (it's easy to "get" in ebook version). It contains the whole range of precious human data like the optimal height of a sitting bench, of a table for eating, for working, the size of the equipment in a bathroom, etc along with many examples. In other words, everything you need to know about what size you must give to things used by humans.

A Pattern Language: This is an intriguing and interesting book that tries to attack the problem I've explained above: How do you do good architecture. It explains how to identify and make patterns, or, rules that produce good results. For example, "A kitchen is best with windows oriented toward East" (it actually is, because then it gets the nice morning sun, and not the hot afternoon sun, then stays cool at night). By combining several of these patterns, you build what he calls "design structures". It tells a lot about the "rules" you use when you design something.

The Architect's Portable Handbook by Pat Guthrie (No wikipedia link, easy to find on amazon or "other places"...): Okay, you want the whole Architecture course in one book? Here it is. It might seem simplistic (5 years course in one book?) but if you read that book entirely, I would bet you will know more than most architects when they are out of school (certainly more than me at that time).

The Death and Life of Great American Cities: A famous book by Jane Jacobs, a worldwide classic about what makes a good city. I didn't understand fully the impact of that book while I lived in Europe, since what it describes is (or better said was, at that time) pretty distant from the Euroreality. Out of it, though, it is a very different story... Highly recommended if cities interest you.

Architecture: Form, space and order: by Francis Ching. A (the most?) classical student book that talks about form, basically why buildings are usually square, why greek columns look that way, why we like (so to speak) windows with a cross in it, why churches have that shape, etc, etc. A masterpiece about why architects did what they did, and what lessons we can get from that.

Yes is more by BIG: A comic book by starchitect office BIG, explaining some of their projects. I'm not a big fan of BIG (they give too simplistically clean answers IMHO, and live a bit in a fairy world), yet this book is pretty cool, it gives a lot of insights about their design process, and, let's face it, they might actually be right somewhere...

Cities for people by Jan Gehl. This is a pretty recent book (you'll find it in any bookstore at the time I'm writing this), which I believe illustrates very well, although it's more talking about city space than building space, the shift that architecture is currently doing. We don't need more posh, nice-looking buildings in a city anymore. We need to think about people. That's what this book is about. Highly meaningful.

Structural engineering

Concreto armado eu te amo by Manoel Henrique Campos Botelho: Sorry, portuguese only, I don't think there is a translation. This book is a really awesome, gentle, architects-friendly introduction to reinforced concrete. In my opinion something architects should know a lot more about than they currently do. I love this book. I've never seen any equivalent in other languages, unfortunately.

Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building Construction by Barry Onouye: This is a very good book because instead of the usual theoretical stuff it is very Architecture-oriented. There is an online version on slideshare.

The Civil Engineering Handbook by W F Chen: Honestly, this one is too heavy for me. However, it is widespread on the net and basically tells everything there is to know... Maybe even too much...

Sustainability, green and community design

The Barefoot Architect by Johan van Lenghen: A wonderful handbook for community-driven green building, written by a guy who has experienced everything he describes first-hand. Nothing about flashy LEED specifications and latest solar panels technology here, rather simple techniques that can be used by normal people to build sustainable buildings.

Online courses

Wikiversity Architecture School: Don't expect anything very complete here, but it's a very good introduction to the family of things that you need to learn. I contributed a bit to it in the past...

Architecture Academy (introduced above): This is a pretty bright idea of Andrew Price. The idea is to teach you both notions or architecture and rendering at the same time, as if it is one same subject, using Blender. It is not free, however.

Archdaily has a good list of free online architecture courses. There is more here. A famous one that is there since a long time is the MIT. However, this is a whole new thing, and probably at the moment you shouldn't rely on these to get a complete formation to architecture. Rather take them as starting points.

Latest find: edx.org. This place gathers a lot of interesting courses.

Websites and other online resources

Architecture in general

ArchDaily: This is today's most active architecture website (there are many others, such as architizer, archello, etc, but archdaily has a crazily awful LOT of stuff). I highly recommend you subscribe to it, and keep a look at every project (the texts are often written by the architects themselves, and are not always worth the reading). There are a lot of new projects, several every day, some good, some bad, but it is an excellent exercise to look at them and try to find things you find good and things you find bad. Discussing this with others helps a lot. I also often use archdaily to find references and examples of a certain building type (school, library, etc). Your capacity to find a solution for a specific problem often builds on pieces of existing solutions and examples you saw before.

Life of an Architect: This is Bob Borson's blog, where he tells about the everyday stuff that happens when you work as an architect: Problems, existential questions, practical details, etc. Always a very funny and interesting read.


If you are interested in ArchViz (I hope you are by now!), one of the most famous places is cgarchitect. There is not much learning material there, but looking at some of the most gorgeous images and trying to copy something from them has always been a big way of learning for me... CGarchitect also has a lot of learning resources, both free and paid.

Ronen Bekerman's blog: This guy is one of the big archviz gurus. He (and other guest writers) writes detailed articles about his work, that are one of the most amazing archviz resources I know...

Alex Hogrefe's blog is exactly at the crossing of architecture and archviz that we were talking about. Highly interesting.

There is much, much on the net related to archviz, simply look for "archviz tutorials".


Sketching tutorials are also easy to find on the net. I found two pretty good examples from land8 here and here, there is also some interesting contents here, although it concerns not only sketching but also traditional technical drawing, which can be useful to you too.

Alphonso Dunn's youtube channel: This is a fantastic resource for hand sketching, full of different and useful techniques. Specially don't miss the awesome 3-part urban sketching tutorials.

Structural engineering and mechanics of materials

A foreword note here, this is a vast subject, usually badly explained (most architects only understand a very small part of the matter). There is very little learning material on the net that is specifically aimed at civil engineering and architecture that is not overwhelmingly complex. I'll list a couple of good things I found, but you'll likely need to dig further by yourself here.

Complete Mechanics of Materials course: This one is pretty complete, but not easy to follow.

Introduction to Structural Mechanics: A very good course aimed at scenery design, but that works pretty well for architecture too. It also contains a quick refresher on basic maths, always useful...

Course de statique et résistance des matériaux: A complete and pretty good course from the Lyon university (in french).

Physique pour l'architecte: Another nice andvery complete course (in French) from Tunis university.


There are a lot of checklists for architectural design on the net, that try to gather all the things you must think to when doing an architecture project. Of course this is vastly subjective, each architect will probably find something very important that others will disregard. I found a couple of nice ones, for example this one or that one, but you will find many others by searching for things like "architectural design checklist" on the net.

Real life

This is a very important part. Explore cities and buildings. Find good architecture in your city or nearby. If you are going to another city, check on the net about interesting architecture in that city, and try to visit the buildings (not always possible of course). Again, this works better when done with other people. Also, from now on, dedicate yourself to walking. By far my favorite way of getting new ideas is walking (in cities or in the wild, you learn different things in each). Walking in cities while keeping your eye open to your surroundings is a precious and free continuous lesson. Look at the buildings, the people, where they gather, where they don't go, what places are cool, what places aren't, and why, these things will be highly useful to you at some point.

Urban sketching: This is a great way to train hand sketching. In many cities, groups of people gather regularly to sit together in some place to draw just anything around: Buildings, people, cars, pissing dogs, whatever. Don't be shy, many people there are newbies too, and drawing together with other (and specially some experienced) people will boost your skills amazingly. Look on the net, usually these groups have facebook pages or blogs where they plan their next events.

Competitions: Architects are crazy about architecture competitions. These are traditionally organized by a person or organization who wishes to make a building, but instead of selecting one architect, would like to see many ideas from many architects. Usually they ask participants to submit a project up to a certain level of development, then select a couple of entries, which are paid to develop further, then finally select a winner who gets the full commission. Unless you win, you earn nothing from a competition, but it's anyway a great way to test and show your ideas and make yourself known. There are many websites that list architecture competitions, such as Death by Architecture. Beware, though, that nowadays some firms are doing business by luring architects into entering competitions, and making them pay for it. Flee away from competitions that are not free to enter, where the organizer is not the owner of the future building, or where it is not clear if the building will actually be built.

Real work of architects: Architects are usually pretty secretive and afraid that someone might steal their ideas, but some visionary people are trying to change that and publish their work files online, like Opening Design or Regis Nde Tene (and, hopefully soon, ourselves). These are highly precious, direct-from-the-source ways of discovering how things work. They might also be an answer to some questions raised above...


Finally, just a quick note about software, as it is an important matter to me. No need to tell you how to learn how to use a certain piece of software here, as it is by far the easiest thing. Just head to youtube.

What architects use: 2D line-drawing applications (known as CAD) such as AutoCAD, VectorWorks, MicroStation, AllPlan (most of these also do 3D nowadays), BIM applications (ironical description: 3D modeling plus a lot of dingles and bells for architects. More serious description: 3D modeling with added meaning and lots of additional layers of information) such as Revit or ArchiCAD or some very good Rhino plugins, rendering tools such as 3DS Max + VRay (all-time big favorite combo among architects)

What I use: Blender (opensource, generic, fast 3D, for the first phases of design, also used for rendering), FreeCAD (opensource, I'm one of its developers, I used it to turn the dirty models from first phases into construction drawings, but it's taking more and more place in the whole workflow), DraftSight (free but not open-source, 2D line drawing), plus a couple of others like Inkscape, Gimp, IfcPlusPlus, LibreOffice. That's basically all you need. All free, all open-source.

I wrote a tutorial about doing architecture modeling with FreeCAD if you are interested.

Check what you like best, but I highly recommend you to stick as much as possible with open-source tools (Blender and FreeCAD basically). Big CAD and BIM vendors (Autodesk or Nemetschek/Graphisoft for example) often have deals with arch schools, where they provide their software for free for students and professors. When you get out of school, you are then a perfect slave, fully addicted to the products of one vendor, and they can do what they want with you (An average license for BIM software is about 6000 US dollars...). Going for open-source tools is a bit more work (they are less comfortable and usually not as "finished" as commercial tools), but will make you learn to work with generic tools, workflows and formats, instead of binding yourself to a commercial solution.